28 February 2020 Integration of multi-task fMRI for cognitive study by structure-enforced collaborative regression
Yuntong Bai, Vince D. Calhoun, Yu-Ping Wang
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Task-based fMRI has been widely studied to investigate individual behavioral and cognitive traits. Integrating multiparadigm fMRI has been proven powerful in analyzing brain development, where a variety of multi-view learning methods have been developed. Among them, collaborative regression (CoRe) combines linear regression with canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to jointly analyze multiple views of data. CoRe links multi-paradigm imaging data with phenotypical information while also enforces their agreement across multiple views. However, CoRe overlooks group structures within regions of interest (ROIs) within the brain. To address this, we proposed a novel model, namely structure-enforced collaborative regression (SCoRe), to take advantage of group structures within each view of fMRI. The model was obtained by imposing a sparse group LASSO penalty on the regression term. Our model was validated on the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort dataset by combining multi-task fMRI data to study an individual’s cognitive skills. Specifically, we adopted Wide Range Assessment Test 4 (WRAT4) scores to divide 338 participants into two groups (limited and proficient cognitive skill) and applied SCoRe to identify significant brain regions that can separate them. Through data resampling and significance analysis, we identified 17 brain regions from two paradigms of fMRI as biomarkers associated with an individual’s academic ability. Among them, 5 ROIs are shared by both paradigms. The study may also help understand the mechanisms underlying brain development.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yuntong Bai, Vince D. Calhoun, and Yu-Ping Wang "Integration of multi-task fMRI for cognitive study by structure-enforced collaborative regression", Proc. SPIE 11317, Medical Imaging 2020: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 1131722 (28 February 2020);
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging


Data modeling


Cognitive modeling

Simulation of CCA and DLA aggregates

Biological research

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