Poster + Paper
10 April 2023 Quantification of radiation damage for proton craniospinal irradiation using magnetic resonance imaging
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Conference Poster
Radiation doses delivered to entire vertebral bodies are current standard practice for the growing pediatric proton craniospinal irradiation (CSI) patients who are growing children. This procedure prevents patients from developing radiation-induced growth impairment, but it will cause hematopoietic marrow suppression. We aim to develop a noninvasive method to verify radiation damage to the marrow in spine vertebrae during fractional treatment using multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. We identified five pediatric patients who received proton CSI treatment with prescription relative biological effectiveness doses of 36 Gy for the spine. Each patient underwent multiple MRI scans during the treatment using T1-weighted sequences. Sagittal MR images were analyzed and focused on lumbar spine regions. Multi-Gaussian models were used to fit histograms from different MR images to quantify the radiation-induced damage to the bone marrow. MR images acquired before the treatment served as the reference to ensure no radiation-induced damage was found. After the treatment started, radiation-induced fatty marrow filtration showed in the vertebral bodies. We defined the radiation-induced damage based on the ratio between fatty marrow imaging pixels and total pixels in spine marrow, L1-L5 level. Damage fractions increased rapidly when the vertebral bodies received doses between 14 Gy and 34 Gy. The maximum damage happened approximately 40 days from the treatment start. After that, bone marrow regeneration was observed, and the damage fractions decreased. The proposed method can potentially achieve adaptative proton plan modification on the fly.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chih-Wei Chang, Matt Goette, Nadja Kadom, Yinan Wang, Jacob Wynne, Tonghe Wang, Tian Liu, Natia Esiashvili, Jun Zhou, Bree R. Eaton, and Xiaofeng Yang "Quantification of radiation damage for proton craniospinal irradiation using magnetic resonance imaging", Proc. SPIE 12468, Medical Imaging 2023: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 124681A (10 April 2023);
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Magnetic resonance imaging


Proton therapy

Computed tomography



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