Author Affiliations +
Youngjin Yoo,1 Gengyan Zhao,1 Andreea E. Sandu,1 Thomas J. Re,1 Jyotipriya Das,1 Hesheng Wang,2 Michelle Kim,3 Colette Shen,4 Yueh Lee,4 Douglas Kondziolka,2 Mohannad Ibrahim,3 Jun Lian,4 Rajan Jain,2 Tong Zhu,5 Hemant Parmar,3 James M. Balter,3 Yue Cao,3 Eli Gibson,1 Dorin Comaniciu1
1Siemens Healthineers (United States)
2New York Univ. (United States)
3Univ. of Michigan (United States)
4The Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
5Washington Univ. in St. Louis (United States)