27 January 2010 Restitution of multiple overlaid components on extremely long series of solar corona images
A. Llebaria, J. Loirat, P. Lamy
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Proceedings Volume 7533, Computational Imaging VIII; 75330Y (2010)
Event: IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2010, San Jose, California, United States
This contribution describes the methods used to accurately disentangle the components observed on a very large series of images of the solar corona. This series consists of 12 years of continuous observations provided by the LASCO/C2 coronagraph aboard SOHO (the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory). Continuously centred on the Sun, which is masked, the observed images display a blend of many components. The more conspicuous are the K-corona from the coronal plasma, the F-corona from the coronal dust and the instrumental straylight. All of them are optically thin but in the LASCO/C2 field of view only the K-corona is polarized. The set of observations is composed of two huge series of images: the "polarization series" (at least one observation every day) and the "white light series" (more than 50 images every day). The goal is to determine quantitatively the evolution of each image component during the 12 years. Assuming 1) a small and slow temporal evolution for the F-corona and straylight, 2) the 2D regularity of the F-corona and 3) the ability to deduce the influence of the SOHO-Sun distance, the F-corona function is determined from the polarized series and afterwards subtracted of the white light series to obtain the K-corona white light series.
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A. Llebaria, J. Loirat, and P. Lamy "Restitution of multiple overlaid components on extremely long series of solar corona images", Proc. SPIE 7533, Computational Imaging VIII, 75330Y (27 January 2010); Logo
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