We propose a setting for a bilevel stochastic linear programming problem with quantile criterion. We study continuity properties of the criterial function and prove the existence theorem for a solution. We propose a deterministic equivalent of the problem for the case of a scalar random parameter. We show an equivalent problem in the form of a two-stage stochastic programming problem with equilibrium constraints and quantile criterion. For the case of a discrete distribution of random parameters, the problem reduces to a mixed linear programming problem. We show results of numerical experiments.
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Original Russian Text © S.V. Ivanov, 2014, published in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 2014, No. 1, pp. 130–144.
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Ivanov, S.V. Bilevel stochastic linear programming problems with quantile criterion. Autom Remote Control 75, 107–118 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117914010081
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117914010081