We consider a general approach to constructing efficient iterative procedures with extension and localization principles, sufficient optimality conditions, and global estimates. We pay special attention to new constructive methods based on the minimax control improvement principle of V.F. Krotov. As an in-depth example, we solve the optimization problem for a therapeutic process. This is the second of two papers devoted to approximate control optimization; it continues the first one [1], which proposed a general scheme for solving the said problem and considered in detail the stage of finding the initial approximation.
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Original Russian Text © V.I. Gurman, I.V. Rasina, O.V. Fesko, I.S. Guseva, 2016, published in Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 2016, No. 9, pp. 42–57.
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Gurman, V.I., Rasina, I.V., Fesko, O.V. et al. On certain approaches to optimization of control processes. II. Autom Remote Control 77, 1544–1556 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117916090034
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117916090034