We give the statement of the real-time adaptive enterprise resource management problem and provide examples of contemporary adaptive resource management problems in various fields of application, showing the dimension and other features of the problems being solved. Requirements for the solution of the problems under consideration are stated, and general principles improving the resource management adaptability are proposed. Existing approaches are briefly analyzed, and their limitations are highlighted. A new methodology for solving the problems under consideration is proposed, an overview of developments is given, and the first experience of applying this methodology to the creation of intelligent resource management systems is discussed. The possibility of solving extremely complex resource management problems is shown by means of a modified ontology-based concept of the network of needs and capacities. In the framework of this concept, the schedule is constructed as a “competitive equilibrium” in the virtual market of a unified multiagent system, tuned to a specific enterprise with the use of applied ontologies. An example of developing a prototype of an intelligent resource management system for a multisatellite Earth remote sensing constellation and the results of its experimental study are given. An approach to assessing the performance and efficiency of adaptive scheduling models and methods developed for real-time resource management is proposed. Prospects for further development of the approach to solving complex adaptive resource management problems are shown.

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This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 20-37-90052.
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Grachev, S.P., Zhilyaev, A.A., Laryukhin, V.B. et al. Methods and Tools for Developing Intelligent Systems for Solving Complex Real-Time Adaptive Resource Management Problems. Autom Remote Control 82, 1857–1885 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117921110035
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117921110035