Problems of analysis and design of embedded real-time systems for controlling complex engineering systems are considered by an example of a DYANA simulation environment and its development at the Laboratory of Computing Systems (LCS), Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University. Special attention is paid to the verification of the conformity of the designed system to the requirements formulated at the early stages of design. The key features of this environment are as follows: the use of a formal model of operation for distributed systems, and the analysis of various aspects of the behavior of a system, both quantitative and logical, by a unified description of systems. The application of the DYANA environment in research and engineering projects over the last 28 years is considered. A comparison with other domestic and foreign results in the field of simulation of real-time distributed embedded computing systems is presented.
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Original Russian Text © R.L. Smelyansky, A.G. Bakhmurov, D.Yu. Volkanov, E.V. Chemeritskii, 2013, published in Programmirovanie, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 5.
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Smelyansky, R.L., Bakhmurov, A.G., Volkanov, D.Y. et al. Integrated environment for the analysis and design of distributed real-time embedded computing systems. Program Comput Soft 39, 242–254 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768813050058
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768813050058