Various approaches to the integration of realistic image rendering and lighting simulation into computer-aided design systems are considered. An approach that ensures the effective integration of existing realistic image rendering systems into a CAD system is proposed. This approach makes it possible to utilize ready-to-use modules of a realistic image generation system, including the computation kernel and user interface modules. Synchronization of the executable modules of the basic and embedded systems is described. The proposed approaches and solutions were implemented in a project of integrating the lighting simulation and realistic image generation system Inspirer2 with the CAD CATIA.

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Barladian, B.K., Voloboy, A.G., Galaktionov, V.A. et al. Integration of Realistic Computer Graphics into Computer-Aided Design and Product Lifecycle Management Systems. Program Comput Soft 44, 225–232 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768818040047
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768818040047