New Notions of Secrecy and User Generated Randomness in Cryptography

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Randomness plays a central role in computer science, in particular cryptography. Almost all cryptographic primitives depend crucially on randomness because randomness and unpredictability in secret keys provides the means for security. Usually one assumes that perfect randomness, a sequence of independently and uniformly distributed bits, are accessible to algorithms. This is a strong assumption. Physical sources of randomness are neither uniformly random, nor produce necessarily independent bits. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to start from a realistic model of randomness, investigate notions of secrecy and their randomness requirements and finally find practical methods for generation of randomness that matches the requirements of cryptographic primitives. We consider a model of random source where the source output follows one distribution from a set of possible distributions, each with the property that the maximum probability of symbols is bounded and can not be arbitrarily close to 1. This model does not assume independence or uniformity of the output symbols, and is considered to be a realistic model of randomness. From this point, the thesis can be divided into two main parts: In the first part, considering various notions of information theoretic secrecy, a fundamental problem is to find the properties of randomness needed to achieve security in these notions. Traditional cryptographic protocols simply assume perfect randomness and build on this assumption. We explore the results that show secrecy can not be based on imperfect randomness that is not uniform or independent. Thus a line of work attempts to relax notions of secrecy in such a way that they can be constructed with non-perfect sources, and possibly require smaller key sizes. Yet they should match real life applications. An important work in this context is entropic security where the key size could be smaller than the message depending on message distribution. Inspired by this, we propose two relaxed notions of secrecy that are motivated by practical applications. In the first notion, motivated by an application in biometrics authentication, we propose guessing secrecy where the probability of guessing the message for a computational unbounded adversary with the best strategy remains the same when a ciphertext is given or when it is not. We compare the randomness requirements of guessing secrecy with stronger notions and show that in some cases such as key length, the requirements are the same. For key distribution however, we found a family of distributions that provide guessing secrecy but not perfect secrecy. In the second notion, we investigate randomness requirements of multiple message encryption. Considering a natural extension of secrecy definition to multiple messages, we show that independent keys are needed to encrypt each message. We then propose a relaxed notion in which the security of last message is more important than past messages, although the leakage of past messages is bounded using entropic security. By this assumption, we achieve smaller key length compared to indistinguishability, and comparable to key length for entropic security. This notion has applications such as location privacy. In the second part of the thesis, since secrecy crucially depends on perfect randomness, we investigate how perfect randomness can be practically generated, specifically from human game-play. Unlike many random number generators that assume independent or uniform random bits in the random source, we base our work on the realistic model of randomness. Our main observation is that human game-play has an element of randomness coming from the errors in their game-play which is the main entertaining factor of the game. We also observed that this game-play can distinguish among a group of people if the right features are collected from the game-play. We incrementally changed our game design until the distinguishability among a small population is maximized, and then run the experiments required to show the viability of this approach over a larger population. This approach can also provide a hard to delegate authentication property where a human could not emulate the behavior of another human even given statistical information about their game-play.

Computer Science, Psychology--Behavioral
Alimomeni, M. (2014). New Notions of Secrecy and User Generated Randomness in Cryptography (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/27097