

The continuous increase of digital connectivity has improved the capability that businesses have for the collection, manipulation, and distribution of data. Due to shortfalls in security, this capability has resulted in data-breach events being a weekly occurrence globally. Notification of these events is becoming commonplace, in part fueled by notification legislation in many jurisdictions. As of February 2018, mandatory reporting of data breaches came into force in Australia (Australian Notifiable Data Breaches scheme [NDB]), and this was followed by European legislation (GDPR) coming into force in May of the same year. This study aims to establish current levels of information-security awareness within typical consumers in Australia, their awareness of these legislative changes, and their ability to respond to such a notification of their personal information being leaked from a service or system. The research results suggest that consumers had a high level of information-security awareness, yet low awareness of notification legislation. The discussion revealed that expected outcomes primarily drove stakeholder behavior in relation to data-breach and legislation preparedness.

