Advancements within the Internet of Things are leading to a pervasive integration of different domains including also building automation systems. As a result, device functionality becomes available to a wide range of applications and users outside of the building automation domain. In this context, Web services are identified as suitable solution for machine-to-machine communication. However, a major requirement to provide necessary interoperability is the consideration of underlying semantics. Thus, this work presents a universal framework for tag-based semantic modeling and seamless integration of building automation systems via Web service-based technologies. Using the example of the KNX Web services specification, the applicability of this approach is pointed out.
Entwicklungen im Rahmen des Internets der Dinge führen zu einer durchdringenden Integration unterschiedlicher Domänen, zu denen auch Gebäudeautomationssysteme zählen. In Folge wird die Gerätefunktionalität einem großen Kreis von Anwendungen und Nutzern außerhalb der Gebäudeautomation zugänglich gemacht. In diesem Zusammenhang bieten Web Services eine passende Lösung zur Umsetzung von Maschine-zu-Maschine-Kommunikation. Eine wesentliche Anforderung zur Sicherstellung der notwendigen Interoperabilität ist jedoch die Berücksichtigung der zugrundeliegenden Semantik. Deshalb präsentiert diese Arbeit ein allgemeines Framework zur semantischen Modellierung mit Tags und zur nahtlosen Integration von Gebäudeautomationssystemen mit Hilfe von Web Service-basierenden Technologien. Die Anwendbarkeit des Ansatzes wird anhand der KNX Web Services-Spezifikation gezeigt.
About the authors

Daniel Schachinger received his diploma degree in Computer Engineering from TU Wien. Since 2014, he is research assistant and PhD student at the Institute of Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien. His research is focused on building energy management systems at the interface of smart grids, the Semantic Web, and the Internet of Things with a special interest on semantic-aware system integration.
Institute of Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

Andreas Fernbach is a PhD student and research assistant at the Institute of Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien. In 2013, he finished his master studies of Computer Engineering where he gained first experiences in the field of semantic integration in the context of building automation. Since then, he contributed in various research projects on information modeling and Semantic Web technologies in automation systems.
Institute of Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

Wolfgang Kastner is associate professor and head of the Automation Systems Group part of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien. He is specialized in the research and development of distributed automation systems, with a special focus on industrial communication systems, building automation systems and smart grids. Current research topics led by him are centered on the comprehensive integration of heterogeneous automation systems. Focus is put on the analysis and use of open control network standards and automation systems integration based on management level approaches (Web services, service-oriented architectures, Semantic Web) tackling research topics in the area of the (industrial) Internet of Things.
Institute of Computer Aided Automation, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
The authors want to thank the KNX Association for supporting the development of the KNX WS specification.
©2017 Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston