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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) October 17, 2018

Step-based evolution support among networked production automation systems

Unterstützung von Evolutionsschritten zwischen vernetzten Produktionsmaschinen
  • Christopher Haubeck

    Christopher Haubeck (born 1985) is a researcher in the Distributed Systems research unit in the department for informatics of the Hamburg University. His main scientific interests are software for distributed and cyber-physical systems, architectures for knowledge carrying software, coevolution of runtime artefacts and simulation.

    , Heiko Bornholdt

    Heiko Bornholdt was born in 1989 in Pinneberg, Germany. From 2009 to 2017, he studied Computer Science with a focus on Distributed Systems at the University of Hamburg. Since 2018, he has been working at the University of Hamburg as a research assistant at the Distributed Systems research unit.

    , Winfried Lamersdorf

    Winfried Lamersdorf is a professor in the Informatics Department of Hamburg University and head of the Distributed Systems research unit. His main scientific interests are in the areas of system software for distributed systems, service-orientation, middleware, agent- and component-oriented, autonomous, self-organizing and mobile systems as well as related applications from e-business / e-services via business process management up to logistics and production automation.

    , Abhishek Chakraborty

    Abhishek Chakraborty (born 1988) is currently working as a Research Associate with the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are management of evolution in automated systems, behavior models and cyber-physical systems.

    and Alexander Fay

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay (born 1970) is Director of the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are models, methods, and tools for the efficient engineering of distributed automation systems. Prof. Fay also heads the division “Engineering and operation” in the German association for Measurement and Automation (VDI-/VDE-GMA) and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Platform “Industrie 4.0”.

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Production systems are no longer rigid, unyielding, and isolated systems anymore. They are rather interconnected cyber-physical systems with an evolution process that needs to be supported. To enable reusability in evolution, a change-first cooperative support is proposed that relies on model-based evolution steps. The approach establishes a network-wide evolution process in a peer-to-peer networked community. Thus, moving towards decentralised marketplaces for evolution steps.


Produktionssystem sind schon lange nicht mehr starre und isolierte Systeme, sondern entwickeln sich zu verbundenen Cyber-Physikalischen Systemen, die dem ständigen Wandel ihrer Evolution ausgesetzt sind. Um Änderungen als zentrale Bausteine der Evolution zu etablieren, werden modellbasierte Evolutionsschritte vorgestellt. Diese sollen einen kooperativen Evolutionsprozess unterstützen, der als Grundlage für maschinenzentrierte, dezentrale Informationsmarktplätze dienen soll.

Award Identifier / Grant number: SPP1593

Funding statement: This work was partially supported by the DFG (German Research Foundation) under the Priority Programme SPP1593: Design for Future – Managed Software Evolution.

About the authors

Christopher Haubeck

Christopher Haubeck (born 1985) is a researcher in the Distributed Systems research unit in the department for informatics of the Hamburg University. His main scientific interests are software for distributed and cyber-physical systems, architectures for knowledge carrying software, coevolution of runtime artefacts and simulation.

Heiko Bornholdt

Heiko Bornholdt was born in 1989 in Pinneberg, Germany. From 2009 to 2017, he studied Computer Science with a focus on Distributed Systems at the University of Hamburg. Since 2018, he has been working at the University of Hamburg as a research assistant at the Distributed Systems research unit.

Winfried Lamersdorf

Winfried Lamersdorf is a professor in the Informatics Department of Hamburg University and head of the Distributed Systems research unit. His main scientific interests are in the areas of system software for distributed systems, service-orientation, middleware, agent- and component-oriented, autonomous, self-organizing and mobile systems as well as related applications from e-business / e-services via business process management up to logistics and production automation.

Abhishek Chakraborty

Abhishek Chakraborty (born 1988) is currently working as a Research Associate with the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are management of evolution in automated systems, behavior models and cyber-physical systems.

Alexander Fay

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fay (born 1970) is Director of the Institute of Automation Technology at Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. His main research interests are models, methods, and tools for the efficient engineering of distributed automation systems. Prof. Fay also heads the division “Engineering and operation” in the German association for Measurement and Automation (VDI-/VDE-GMA) and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Platform “Industrie 4.0”.


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Received: 2018-04-08
Accepted: 2018-07-20
Published Online: 2018-10-17
Published in Print: 2018-10-25

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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