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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) September 10, 2024

Learning human actions from complex manipulation tasks and their transfer to robots in the circular factory

Erlernen menschlicher Handlungen aus komplexen Manipulationsaufgaben und deren Übertragung auf Roboter in einer Kreislauffabrik
  • Manuel Zaremski

    Manuel Zaremski received his M.Sc. in Human Movement Sciences at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen in 2017 and is currently a research assistant at the Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at KIT. His research interests lie in the field of human-machine interaction, and he is particularly interested in the analysis of human eye and gaze movements.

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    , Blanca Handwerker

    Blanca Handwerker received her M.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Bonn in 2023 and is currently a research assistant at the Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at KIT. Her research interests include human-machine interaction and the analysis of human eye and gaze movements.

    , Christian R. G. Dreher

    Christian R. G. Dreher studied computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and graduated in 2019. He is currently working as a research assistant at the Chair of High-Performance Humanoid Technologies (H2T), KIT. His research interests include robot programming by demonstration.

    , Fabian Leven

    Fabian Leven received his M. Sc.-degree in Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2019. His current research interests lie in the field of machine vision, where he is particularly interested in estimating the direction of human gaze.

    , David Schneider

    David Schneider is currently a research assistant at the Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab (CV:HCI) at KIT. He is working on human activity recognition as a component of assistive technologies which facilitate daily activities in the later stages of life. His research interests focus on human action recognition, multimodal, selfsupervised and cross-domain learning.

    , Alina Roitberg

    Alina Roitberg is a tenure-track junior professor at the University of Stuttgart, leading the Intelligent Sensing and Perception Group at the Institute for AI, University of Stuttgart. Her research interests include computer vision, human activity recognition, domain adaptation, open set recognition, as well as resource- and data-efficient learning.

    , Rainer Stiefelhagen

    Rainer Stiefelhagen is a professor for Information Technology Systems for Visually Impaired Students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he directs the Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics. His research interests include computer vision methods for visual perception of humans and their activities, to facilitate perceptive multimodal interfaces, humanoid robots, smart environments, multimedia analysis and assistive technology for persons with visual impairments.

    , Gerhard Neumann

    Gerhard Neumann is a professor for Autonomous Learning Robots at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at the KIT. His research is focused on the intersection of machine learning, robotics, and human-robot interaction, including the creation of data-efficient machine-learning algorithms that are suitable for complex robot domains.

    , Michael Heizmann

    Michael Heizmann is a professor for Mechatronic Measurement Systems and head of the Institute of Industrial Information Technology (IIIT) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His research areas include automatic visual inspection, signal and image processing, image and information fusion, measurement technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence and their applications.

    , Tamim Asfour

    Tamim Asfour is a professor of Humanoid Robotic Systems at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He heads the chair for high-performance humanoid technologies (H2T) and his research interests focus on humanoid robots that can learn from observation and experience, and can act and interact in real environments.

    and Barbara Deml

    Barbara Deml is a professor of Human Factors and the head of the Institute for Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Her research interests include the empirical analysis of human behavior and related cognitive processes, human-machine interaction, as well as designing work systems that are humancentered and incorporate learning automated systems.


Process automation is essential to establish an economically viable circular factory in high-wage locations. This involves using autonomous production technologies, such as robots, to disassemble, reprocess, and reassemble used products with unknown conditions into the original or a new generation of products. This is a complex and highly dynamic issue that involves a high degree of uncertainty. To adapt robots to these conditions, learning from humans is necessary. Humans are the most flexible resource in the circular factory and they can adapt their knowledge and skills to new tasks and changing conditions. This paper presents an interdisciplinary research framework for learning human action knowledge from complex manipulation tasks through human observation and demonstration. The acquired knowledge will be described in a machine-executable form and will be transferred to industrial automation execution by robots in a circular factory. There are two primary research objectives. First, we investigate the multi-modal capture of human behavior and the description of human action knowledge. Second, the reproduction and generalization of learned actions, such as disassembly and assembly actions on robots is studied.


Die Prozessautomatisierung spielt eine wesentliche Rolle bei der wirtschaftlichen Tragfähigkeit einer Kreislauffabrik an Hochlohnstandorten. Dies impliziert den Einsatz autonomer Produktionstechnologien wie Roboter, um gebrauchte Produkte mit unbekannten Zuständen zu demontieren, aufzuarbeiten und in die ursprüngliche oder eine neue Generation von Produkten wieder zusammenzubauen. Dieser Prozess ist von hoher Komplexität und einer hohen Dynamik geprägt, wodurch ein hohes Maß an Unsicherheit entsteht. Um Roboter an diese Bedingungen anzupassen, ist es notwendig vom Menschen zu lernen. Der Mensch stellt in einer Kreislauffabrik die flexibelste Ressource dar, da er in der Lage ist, sein Wissen und seine Fähigkeiten an neue Aufgaben und sich ändernde Bedingungen anzupassen. In diesem Artikel wird ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsansatz vorgestellt, um menschliches Handlungswissen aus komplexen Manipulationsaufgaben durch Beobachtung und Demonstration zu erlernen. Das erlangte Wissen wird in einer für Maschinen ausführbaren Form beschrieben und auf Roboter übertragen, sodass es in einer industriellen Automatisierung in einer Kreislauffabrik zur Anwendung kommt. Dazu gibt es zwei primäre Forschungsziele. Erstens wird die multimodale Erfassung des menschlichen Verhaltens und die Beschreibung des menschlichen Handlungswissens untersucht. Zweitens wird die Reproduktion und Generalisierung von erlernten Handlungen, insbesondere von Demontage- und Montagehandlungen, auf Roboter evaluiert.

Corresponding author: Manuel Zaremski, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering, Engler-Bunte-Ring 4, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, E-mail:

About the authors

Manuel Zaremski

Manuel Zaremski received his M.Sc. in Human Movement Sciences at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen in 2017 and is currently a research assistant at the Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at KIT. His research interests lie in the field of human-machine interaction, and he is particularly interested in the analysis of human eye and gaze movements.

Blanca Handwerker

Blanca Handwerker received her M.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Bonn in 2023 and is currently a research assistant at the Institute of Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at KIT. Her research interests include human-machine interaction and the analysis of human eye and gaze movements.

Christian R. G. Dreher

Christian R. G. Dreher studied computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and graduated in 2019. He is currently working as a research assistant at the Chair of High-Performance Humanoid Technologies (H2T), KIT. His research interests include robot programming by demonstration.

Fabian Leven

Fabian Leven received his M. Sc.-degree in Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2019. His current research interests lie in the field of machine vision, where he is particularly interested in estimating the direction of human gaze.

David Schneider

David Schneider is currently a research assistant at the Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab (CV:HCI) at KIT. He is working on human activity recognition as a component of assistive technologies which facilitate daily activities in the later stages of life. His research interests focus on human action recognition, multimodal, selfsupervised and cross-domain learning.

Alina Roitberg

Alina Roitberg is a tenure-track junior professor at the University of Stuttgart, leading the Intelligent Sensing and Perception Group at the Institute for AI, University of Stuttgart. Her research interests include computer vision, human activity recognition, domain adaptation, open set recognition, as well as resource- and data-efficient learning.

Rainer Stiefelhagen

Rainer Stiefelhagen is a professor for Information Technology Systems for Visually Impaired Students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he directs the Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics. His research interests include computer vision methods for visual perception of humans and their activities, to facilitate perceptive multimodal interfaces, humanoid robots, smart environments, multimedia analysis and assistive technology for persons with visual impairments.

Gerhard Neumann

Gerhard Neumann is a professor for Autonomous Learning Robots at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at the KIT. His research is focused on the intersection of machine learning, robotics, and human-robot interaction, including the creation of data-efficient machine-learning algorithms that are suitable for complex robot domains.

Michael Heizmann

Michael Heizmann is a professor for Mechatronic Measurement Systems and head of the Institute of Industrial Information Technology (IIIT) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His research areas include automatic visual inspection, signal and image processing, image and information fusion, measurement technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence and their applications.

Tamim Asfour

Tamim Asfour is a professor of Humanoid Robotic Systems at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He heads the chair for high-performance humanoid technologies (H2T) and his research interests focus on humanoid robots that can learn from observation and experience, and can act and interact in real environments.

Barbara Deml

Barbara Deml is a professor of Human Factors and the head of the Institute for Human and Industrial Engineering (ifab) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Her research interests include the empirical analysis of human behavior and related cognitive processes, human-machine interaction, as well as designing work systems that are humancentered and incorporate learning automated systems.

  1. Research ethics: The ethics committee at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has unanimously voted that there are no ethical concerns regarding the admissibility of the circular factory research project for the eternal product.

  2. Author contributions: The authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.

  3. Competing interests: The authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Research funding: German Research Foundation (DFG), SFB 1574 Circular Factory for the Perpetual Product (project ID: 471687386).

  5. Data availability: Not applicable.


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Received: 2024-01-09
Accepted: 2024-07-02
Published Online: 2024-09-10
Published in Print: 2024-09-25

© 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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