An efficient algorithm is proposed and studied for computing flow ensembles of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows under uncertainties in initial or boundary data. The ensemble average of J realizations is approximated through a clever algorithm (adapted from a breakthrough idea of Jiang and Layton [23]) that, at each time step, uses the same matrix for each of the J systems solves. Hence, preconditioners need to be built only once per time step, and the algorithm can take advantage of block linear solvers. Additionally, an Elsässer variable formulation is used, which allows for a stable decoupling of each MHD system at each time step. We prove stability and convergence of the algorithm, and test it with two numerical experiments.
Funding source: National Science Foundation
Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS 1522191
Funding statement: The second author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS 1522191.
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