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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 25, 2016

Approximative Green’s Functions on Surfaces and Pointwise Error Estimates for the Finite Element Method

  • Heiko Kröner EMAIL logo


In this paper we give a new proof of the L-error estimate for the finite element approximation of the Laplace–Beltrami equation with an additional lower order term on a surface. While the proof available in the literature uses the method of perturbed bilinear forms from Schatz and Wahlbin, we adapt Scott’s proof from an Euclidean setting to the surface case. Furthermore, in contrast to the literature we use an approximative Green’s function on the surface instead of an exact Green’s function which is obtained by lifting an Euclidean Green’s function locally from the tangent plane to the surface.

MSC 2010: 65N15; 65N30; 65N80

A Appendix

The goal of this appendix is to show (5.7).

We will consider lifts of objects defined on B2r1(z0)S, UTz0S or a suitable portion of Sh to another of these three surfaces with respect to the representation as a graph over U in (perpendicular) Euclidean coordinates as described in Corollary 2.1. By adding the superscripts S, T or h, we indicate to which surface the object is lifted. For instance, we denote the lift of MB2r1(z0)S to Tz0S by MT. Similar correction terms as in (2.1) and (2.2) appear when we lift integrands of (with a power of r) weighted W1,p-norms. That is, if we estimate such a norm, then the lift produces (at most) a constant as factor on the right-hand side of the estimates.

From (5.9), the triangle inequality and Lemma 5.3 we deduce


We recall that l(z)=log|z-z0| is defined in Tz0S2, that r denotes the distance to z0 in Tz0S, and state that l has bounded mean oscillation in the following sense.

Lemma A.1

Let z1R2 and 0<ρ<. Then there is a constant l0R depending on z1 and ρ such that



This is the assertion of [23, Lemma 2, p. 688]. ∎

We estimate E:=l~-L~h near z0.

Lemma A.2

Let 0<ρ<c1h be given and B={|z-z0|ρ} a ball in Tz0S. Then

SBS|φz0-1(z)-z0|β|DE|pcρβh2-pfor 1p<β+2.


We have |Dl~|cr where r=|φz0-1(z)-z0|. We may w.l.o.g. consider r as a function as well on BS and B=BT and get


Due to Lemma A.1 there is l0 so that


Using an inverse estimate to bound a W1,- by a L2-norm, we get


in view of (A.1) and (A.2). ∎

If we choose β=0 in Lemma A.2, we obtain that DEL1(SBS)=O(h).

We estimate E outside BS, where B is as in Lemma A.2, which means de facto in B2BS since we have suppl~B3/2r0(z0). We get




which leads by the Peter–Paul inequality to


in view of (A.1). The next goal is to show


which implies (5.7). Define


Note that, for small h,


and l~C(Ω1S). Let l~I be a function in Vh which equals l~ at all nodes in Ω1. Let l¯I denote the lift of l~I to S.

Lemma A.3

There hold



Let τT1. Then


Since minτrh and maxτr-minτrh, we have


and hence, for β0,


Summing over all τT1 implies the lemma since

τSrβ-4h4{chβ+2if β<2,c|logh|h4if β=2



We conclude


in view of Lemma A.3, (5.8) and (A.1).

Lemma A.4

Let φVh and v=(r2φ)IVh the linear interpolation of r2φ in Ω1. Then



For τT1 we have


because D2(φ|τ)=0. In view of (A.4) and rh on Ω1 there hold


and, in view of an inverse estimate,


Applying these estimates in (A.6) gives


which leads to


by estimating the integrand in the L-norm. Summing over τT1 gives the claim. ∎

Lemma A.5

Estimate (A.3) holds.


For vhVh we have


and estimate


where the inequality follows from Lemma A.2 and (A.1). If vh interpolates r2(l¯I-L~h) in Ω1, then


where the third inequality follows from Lemmas A.3 and A.4, and the fifth by Lemma A.3 and (A.1). We use (A.8) to estimate the first summand on the right-hand side of (A.7) and obtain


We estimate vh with standard interpolation estimates:


where we assume w.l.o.g. that vh is zero at all nodes in the interior of ShΩ1 and for the last inequality estimate (A.5). Furthermore, we have


in view of Lemma A.3, (5.8), (A.1) and





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Received: 2015-11-26
Revised: 2016-10-16
Accepted: 2016-10-20
Published Online: 2016-11-25
Published in Print: 2017-1-1

© 2017 by De Gruyter

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