This paper studies the mixed element method for the boundary value problem of the biharmonic equation Δ2u=f in two dimensions. We start from a u∼∇u∼∇2u∼div∇2u formulation that is discussed in [4] and construct its stability on H10(Ω)טH10(Ω)×ˉL2sym(Ω)×H-1(div,Ω). Then we utilise the Helmholtz decomposition of H-1(div,Ω) and construct a new formulation stable on first-order and zero-order Sobolev spaces. Finite element discretisations are then given with respect to the new formulation, and both theoretical analysis and numerical verification are given.
Funding source: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Award Identifier / Grant number: 91430215
Award Identifier / Grant number: 11101415
Award Identifier / Grant number: 11471026
Funding statement: The author Z. Li is thankful to the support from LSEC, AMSS during his visit and has been supported partially by NSFC grant no. 91430215. The author S. Zhang is partially supported by NSFC grant nos. 11101415 and 11471026.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their comments which helped us to improve the work.
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