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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 31, 2017

Müntz Spectral Methods for the Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation

  • Dianming Hou , Mohammad Tanzil Hasan and Chuanju Xu EMAIL logo


In this paper, we propose and analyze a fractional spectral method for the time-fractional diffusion equation (TFDE). The main novelty of the method is approximating the solution by using a new class of generalized fractional Jacobi polynomials (GFJPs), also known as Müntz polynomials. We construct two efficient schemes using GFJPs for TFDE: one is based on the Galerkin formulation and the other on the Petrov–Galerkin formulation. Our theoretical or numerical investigation shows that both schemes are exponentially convergent for general right-hand side functions, even though the exact solution has very limited regularity (less than H1). More precisely, an error estimate for the Galerkin-based approach is derived to demonstrate its spectral accuracy, which is then confirmed by numerical experiments. The spectral accuracy of the Petrov–Galerkin-based approach is only verified by numerical tests without theoretical justification. Implementation details are provided for both schemes, together with a series of numerical examples to show the efficiency of the proposed methods.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 11471274

Award Identifier / Grant number: 11421110001

Award Identifier / Grant number: 51661135011

Award Identifier / Grant number: 91630204

Funding statement: This research is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 11471274, 11421110001, 51661135011, and 91630204).


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Received: 2017-4-21
Revised: 2017-7-18
Accepted: 2017-7-26
Published Online: 2017-8-31
Published in Print: 2018-1-1

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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