We consider error estimates for some time stepping methods for solving fractional diffusion problems with nonsmooth data in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous cases. McLean and Mustapha [18] established an O(k) convergence rate for the piecewise constant discontinuous Galerkin method with nonsmooth initial data for the homogeneous problem when the linear operator A is assumed to be self-adjoint, positive semidefinite and densely defined in a suitable Hilbert space, where k denotes the time step size. In this paper, we approximate the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative by Diethelm’s method (or L1 scheme) and obtain the same time discretisation scheme as in McLean and Mustapha [18]. We first prove that this scheme has also convergence rate O(k) with nonsmooth initial data for the homogeneous problem when A is a closed, densely defined linear operator satisfying some certain resolvent estimates. We then introduce a new time discretisation scheme for the homogeneous problem based on the convolution quadrature and prove that the convergence rate of this new scheme is O(k1+α), 0<α<1, with the nonsmooth initial data. Using this new time discretisation scheme for the homogeneous problem, we define a time stepping method for the inhomogeneous problem and prove that the convergence rate of this method is O(k1+α), 0<α<1, with the nonsmooth data. Numerical examples are given to show that the numerical results are consistent with the theoretical results.
A Appendix
In this Appendix, we will give the proof of Lemma 2.2. To do this, we need to introduce the polylogarithm function
The polynomial function Lip(z) is well defined for |z|<1 and p∈ℂ. It can be continued analytically to the split complex plane ℂ\[1,+∞); see Flajolet [6]. With z=1, it recovers the Riemann zeta function ς(p)=Lip(1). We also recall an important singular expansion of the function Lip(e-z) (cf. [6, Theorem 1]).
Lemma A.1 ([9, Lemma 3.2]).
For p≠1,2,…, the function Lip(e-z) satisfies the singular expansion
where ς(z) denotes the Riemann zeta function.
Lemma A.2 ([9, Lemma 3.4]).
Let |z|≤πsinθ with θ∈(π2,5π6) and -1<p<0. Then
converges absolutely.
Proof of Lemma 2.2.
We have, by the weights in (2.4), with ζ=e-zk,
where, by Lemma A.2,
By (2.9), we have
Using [18, Lemma 1], we may write, with Cα=πsin(πα) and zk=ρeiθ=r+iϕ,
which implies that
Let us first consider the case for θ=π2. In this case, we have, with r=ρcosθ=0,ϕ=ρsinθ=ρ,
Note that
we get ℜ(zαk)≥0 which implies that zαk∈Σθ0 for any θ0∈(π2,π). Now let us choose θ close to π2, θ>π2. By the continuity of zαk with respect to θ, cf. [9, Proof of Lemma 3.6], there exists θ0∈(π2,π) such that
Together these estimates complete the proof of Lemma 2.2. ∎
The second author thanks the organizers of the Mini-Symposium “Numerical Methods for Fractional Differential Equations” at the conference for the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (MAFELAP), 2016 in Brunel, UK. Some results in this paper were presented in that Mini-Symposium.
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