In this paper, we consider the time fractional diffusion equation with Caputo fractional derivative. Due to the singularity of the solution at the initial moment, it is difficult to achieve an ideal convergence rate when the time discretization is performed on uniform meshes. Therefore, in order to improve the convergence order, the Caputo time fractional derivative term is discretized by the L2-1σ format on non-uniform meshes, with σ=1-α2 , while the spatial derivative term is approximated by the classical central difference scheme on uniform meshes. According to the summation formula of positive integer k power, and considering k=3,4,5 , we propose three non-uniform meshes for time discretization. Through theoretical analysis, different time convergence orders O(N-min{kα,2}) can be obtained, where N denotes the number of time splits. Finally, the theoretical analysis is verified by several numerical examples.
Funding source: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Award Identifier / Grant number: 91630207
Award Identifier / Grant number: 11971272
Funding statement: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 91630207, 11971272.
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