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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 11, 2016

Computing discrete logarithms using 𝒪((log q)2) operations from {+,-,×,÷,&}

  • Christian Schridde EMAIL logo


Given a computational model with registers of unlimited size that is equipped with the set {+,-,×,÷,&}=:𝖮𝖯 of unit cost operations, and given a safe prime number q, we present the first explicit algorithm that computes discrete logarithms in q* to a base g using only 𝒪((logq)2) operations from 𝖮𝖯. For a random n-bit prime number q, the algorithm is successful as long as the subgroup of q* generated by g and the subgroup generated by the element p=2log2(q) share a subgroup of size at least 2(1-𝒪(logn/n))n.

MSC 2010: 68Q25; 68W40; 11Y16

A Appendix

A.1 Vanishing coefficients

It is


and for w=(u-1)/2 there are I1 and I2 with


Going from i=0 to w and taking always the value 2i is the same as going from i=0 to 2w and picking only the even values. Hence, we can use the indicator function 𝟣ieven and without loss of generality we assume u-1 is even:


Thus, it holds


Hence all odd coefficients vanish. The case for K2 is analogous.

A.2 Example

For further clarity, we add short examples for some of the key computation steps of our approach using a toy setup. We set

  1. q=37,g=5,

  2. (g,r,q)=(5,19,37).

It follows from q/2<p=2t<q that p=32. In order to solve (g,r,q), we compute (p,r,q) and (p,g,q), which allows us to derive the solution of (g,r,q). However, in this example we only show how to compute (p,r,q), since the case (p,g,q) is analogous and deriving the solution of (g,r,q) is standard. The solution for (p,r,q)=(32,19,37) is 7 since 32719(mod37).

It is |𝔾g|=18 and |𝔾p|=36=u, hence 𝔾g𝔾p. The integer Q37,36(32) in base-32 representation is equal to


Since p is a primitive root in q*, the largest coefficient k¯ is k¯=31=p-1, and hence we get b=1, see Section 4.3. Now we can compute |SQ37,36(32)(32)| via Corollary 4:


Thus, k¯=31 only appears once. Next, we compute the r¯𝔾p via


Since |SQ37,36(32)(32)|=1, we have i=0 and hence


The coefficient k^ that is associated with the target residue r=19 is


The next step is to apply the cyclic shift to shift k¯ to k^:


which is equal to


Now, the largest coefficient 31 is at the position of the former coefficient 9. Its position (starting from the largest monomial) is now, due to the cyclic shift, equal to the solution for (32,19,37), i.e., x=7=36-29.

To actually compute the position x, we split the Q37,36(32) into


Next, we test which integer does contain the coefficient 31. We add 𝖱32,18 and test if a carry occurs. For Q(1) it is


i.e., no carry occurs in this case, but


Hence Q(2) contains the coefficient and we keep Q(2) and drop Q(1). So the position of the coefficient 31 must be somewhere in the interval [18,35]. This procedure is repeated with Q(2) as the input integer until the position of 31 is determined. Note that the final output is then |Qq,u(p)|p minus the computed position, in this case 36-29=7. Algorithm 2 considers that by reducing the bounds in the opposite way, but only for minor technical reasons.

Digit sum example.

We use the integer Q(1) to give an example for the digit sum computation. Since


(Requirement 1), we do not need to split it, and hence we have


as the first input to the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Then the four integers I1, I2, K1, K2 from equation (4.2), equation (4.3) and equation (4.4), equation (4.5) are computed:


which yields the next remainder of ds(Q(1))(modp+1):


Finally, the application of the Chinese remainder theorem yields


which indeed is the correct base-p digit sum of Q(1).


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Received: 2015-9-8
Published Online: 2016-10-11
Published in Print: 2016-11-1

© 2016 by De Gruyter

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