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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Oldenbourg February 28, 2018

Optimising crowdsourcing efficiency: Amplifying human computation with validation

  • Jon Chamberlain

    Dr Jon Chamberlain is a web developer and lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Essex with experience of industrial and academic computer applications (language processing, game design, social network analysis) in the domains of citizen science, marine ecology, and human rights observation. He was the lead developer of the Phrase Detectives project since its inception in 2007 and has continued investigating crowdsourcing using games and social networks for almost a decade.

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    , Udo Kruschwitz

    Professor Udo Kruschwitz’s research interests are in natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval (IR) and the implementation of such techniques in real applications. He is developing techniques that allow the extraction of conceptual information from document collections and access logs and the utilization of such knowledge in search and navigation contexts. Professor Kruschwitz was Co-PI in the original EPRSC project that developed Phrase Detectives.

    and Massimo Poesio

    Professor Massimo Poesio is a computational linguist. His work on anaphora is driven by the analysis of corpora and of disagreements in corpus annotation, most recently, using the Phrase Detectives game-with-a-purpose to collect such data. He is also a PI of the DALI project, an Advanced ERC grant; a supervisor in the IGGI Doctoral training centre in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence; and a PI in the Centre for Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data.


Crowdsourcing has revolutionised the way tasks can be completed but the process is frequently inefficient, costing practitioners time and money. This research investigates whether crowdsourcing can be optimised with a validation process, as measured by four criteria: quality; cost; noise; and speed. A validation model is described, simulated and tested on real data from an online crowdsourcing game to collect data about human language. Results show that by adding an agreement validation (or a like/upvote) step fewer annotations are required, noise and collection time are reduced and quality may be improved.

Award Identifier / Grant number: EP/F00575X/1

Award Identifier / Grant number: Doctoral Training Allowance

Award Identifier / Grant number: ES/L011859/1

Funding statement: The creation of the original game was funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) project AnaWiki, EP/F00575X/1. The analysis of the data was partially funded by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Allowance granted by the University of Essex and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant ES/L011859/1.

About the authors

Jon Chamberlain

Dr Jon Chamberlain is a web developer and lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Essex with experience of industrial and academic computer applications (language processing, game design, social network analysis) in the domains of citizen science, marine ecology, and human rights observation. He was the lead developer of the Phrase Detectives project since its inception in 2007 and has continued investigating crowdsourcing using games and social networks for almost a decade.

Udo Kruschwitz

Professor Udo Kruschwitz’s research interests are in natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval (IR) and the implementation of such techniques in real applications. He is developing techniques that allow the extraction of conceptual information from document collections and access logs and the utilization of such knowledge in search and navigation contexts. Professor Kruschwitz was Co-PI in the original EPRSC project that developed Phrase Detectives.

Massimo Poesio

Professor Massimo Poesio is a computational linguist. His work on anaphora is driven by the analysis of corpora and of disagreements in corpus annotation, most recently, using the Phrase Detectives game-with-a-purpose to collect such data. He is also a PI of the DALI project, an Advanced ERC grant; a supervisor in the IGGI Doctoral training centre in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence; and a PI in the Centre for Human Rights and Information Technology in the Era of Big Data.


The authors would like to acknowledge the feedback from anonymous reviewers of this paper and to thank all the players who played the game.


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Received: 2017-8-31
Revised: 2018-2-2
Accepted: 2018-2-2
Published Online: 2018-2-28
Published in Print: 2018-3-1

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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