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Explainable software systems

  • Andreas Vogelsang

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang is an assistant professor (junior professor) for software engineering at the Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin). He is leading the software engineering group at the Daimler Center for Automotive IT Innovations (DCAITI). He received a Ph. D. from the Technical University of Munich in 2015. His research interests comprise requirements engineering, model-based systems engineering, and software architectures for embedded systems. He has published his research in international journals and conferences such as IEEE Software, SoSyM, ICSE, and RE. In 2018, he was appointed as Junior-Fellow of the German Society for Informatics (GI).

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Software and software-controlled technical systems play an increasing role in our daily lives. In cyber-physical systems, which connect the physical and the digital world, software does not only influence how we perceive and interact with our environment but software also makes decisions that influence our behavior. Therefore, the ability of software systems to explain their behavior and decisions will become an important property that will be crucial for their acceptance in our society. We call software systems with this ability explainable software systems. In the past, we have worked on methods and tools to design explainable software systems. In this article, we highlight some of our work on how to design explainable software systems. More specifically, we describe an architectural framework for designing self-explainable software systems, which is based on the MAPE-loop for self-adaptive systems. Afterward, we show that explainability is also important for tools that are used by engineers during the development of software systems. We show examples from the area of requirements engineering where we use techniques from natural language processing and neural networks to help engineers comprehend the complex information structures embedded in system requirements.


About the author

Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang

Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang is an assistant professor (junior professor) for software engineering at the Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin). He is leading the software engineering group at the Daimler Center for Automotive IT Innovations (DCAITI). He received a Ph. D. from the Technical University of Munich in 2015. His research interests comprise requirements engineering, model-based systems engineering, and software architectures for embedded systems. He has published his research in international journals and conferences such as IEEE Software, SoSyM, ICSE, and RE. In 2018, he was appointed as Junior-Fellow of the German Society for Informatics (GI).


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Received: 2019-05-14
Accepted: 2019-05-14
Published Online: 2019-07-02
Published in Print: 2019-08-27

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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