In this paper we present a methodology to automatically generate an accurate behavioral model from an analog circuit description. The current machine learning method is limited to circuits with up to 80 transistors, limiting our approach to small and mid size circuit blocks due to a state explosion problem. However, if complex building blocks such as IOT systems should be modeled, the current approach needs to recoup with feasible simulation and modeling time. To come up with a solution for this problem, we extend the current method by a compositional approach. The approach is illustrated upon an example from the area of autonomous driving. Our method decomposes this large example into smaller building blocks and models each of them automatically. All models are combined into a compositional hybrid automaton of the whole complex system.
Compared to the original state space, the building blocks operate on smaller and reduced state spaces and hence drastically reduce the complexity. Using a back-transformation on the compositional automaton, all values from the original state space can be reconstructed. Moreover, we perform a formal verification on the generated compositional automaton. Results from a meaningful example are presented and discussed.
Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Award Identifier / Grant number: 286525601
Funding statement: This paper presents results of the project faveAC funded by the DFG under the project number 286525601.
About the authors

M. Sc. Ahmad Tarraf received his B. Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering from RHU Lebanon in 2013 and his M. Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering with the Specialization: Simulation and control in 2016 from TU-Darmstadt. Since 2017 he is a research assistant at the Institute of Computer-Science, University of Frankfurt.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Hedrich received the Diploma and Ph. D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany, in 1992 and 1997, respectively. He joined the University of Hannover as a Junior Professor, in 2002. Since 2004, he has been a Full Professor and the Head of the Design Methodology Group at the Institute of Computer-Science, University of Frankfurt.
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