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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Oldenbourg November 9, 2023

Machine learning in AI Factories – five theses for developing, managing and maintaining data-driven artificial intelligence at large scale

  • Wolfgang Hildesheim

    Dr. Wolfgang Hildesheim is a high-energy physicist by training and spent several years conducting research at the CERN and DESY research centers. In 2007, he took over the management of the Automotive, Aerospace and High Tech unit at IBM. From 2009, he led IBM’s Big Data Industry Solution Business in Europe and supported companies in the development of data-driven business models using advanced analytics. Since 2012, he has been co-responsible for the foundation as well as the development of IBM’s business unit Watson, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence in Europe in various technical and sales roles often with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Wolfgang Hildesheim is a member of the board of BitKom’s Artificial Intelligence Working Group. Further, he is actively involved in the standardization of artificial intelligence, for example, as a member of the steering group of the German Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence and as a delegate to the European committee CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 Artificial Intelligence for the establishment of a classification scheme for the homogeneous description of artificial intelligence within all member countries of the European Union.

    , Taras Holoyad

    Taras Holoyad is an electrical engineer and works in the field of artificial intelligence standardization at the Federal Network Agency in Mainz. After graduating from the Technical University of Braunschweig, he calculated electrical machines for road vehicles in the automotive industry before joining the most important German regulatory authority. Taras Holoyad has been contributing to the first and second editions of the German Institute for Standardization’s (DIN) Artificial Intelligence Standardization Roadmap, where he was involved in developing concepts relevant to the global regulation of artificial intelligence. He has also been researching quality characteristics of RGB and IR cameras on traffic signals for AI-based analysis of road traffic in collaboration with the city of Wiesbaden. In cooperation with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, he is also working on the identification of semantic similarities between documents with a focus on patent and legal texts.

    and Thomas Schmid

    Dr. Thomas Schmid is a W1 Professor for Digital Research Methods in Medicine at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and has been developing data-driven artificial intelligence techniques and systems for more than a decade. After studying bioinformatics in Tübingen, Gaborone (Botswana) and Berlin, he first has been research on the use of neural networks for biomedical applications in Leipzig and the USA in cooperation with Charité Berlin. After receiving his PhD in computer science at Leipzig University in 2018, Thomas Schmid established the Machine Learning group there, before co-founding the computer science department of Lancaster University in Leipzig. Since 2021, he has been chairing and developing the annual Leipzig Symposium on Intelligent Systems (LEISYS). His current research interests include biomedical applications of machine learning and the development of hybrid artificial intelligence approaches. Together with Wolfgang Hildesheim and Taras Holoyad, he authored the book Künstliche Intelligenz managen und verstehen (Beuth Publishers, 2023).

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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is today’s dominating technological trend across all industries. With the maturing of deep learning and other data-driven techniques, AI has over the last decade become an essential component for an increasing number of products and services. In parallel to this development, technological advances have been accelerating the production of novel AI models from large-scale datasets. This global phenomenon has been driving the need for an efficient industrialized approach to develop, manage and maintain AI models at large scale. Such an approach is provided by the state-of-the-art operational concept termed AI Factory, which refers to an infrastructure for AI models and implements the idea of AI as a Service (AIaaS). Moreover, it ensures performance, transparency and reproducibility of AI models at any point in the continuous AI development process. This concept, however, does not only require new technologies and architectures, but also new job roles. Here, we discuss current trends, outline requirements and identify success factors for AI Factories. We conclude with recommendations for their successful use in practice as well as perspectives on future developments.

Corresponding author: Thomas Schmid, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Medical Faculty, D-06112 Halle (Saale), Germany, E-mail:

About the authors

Wolfgang Hildesheim

Dr. Wolfgang Hildesheim is a high-energy physicist by training and spent several years conducting research at the CERN and DESY research centers. In 2007, he took over the management of the Automotive, Aerospace and High Tech unit at IBM. From 2009, he led IBM’s Big Data Industry Solution Business in Europe and supported companies in the development of data-driven business models using advanced analytics. Since 2012, he has been co-responsible for the foundation as well as the development of IBM’s business unit Watson, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence in Europe in various technical and sales roles often with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Wolfgang Hildesheim is a member of the board of BitKom’s Artificial Intelligence Working Group. Further, he is actively involved in the standardization of artificial intelligence, for example, as a member of the steering group of the German Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence and as a delegate to the European committee CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 Artificial Intelligence for the establishment of a classification scheme for the homogeneous description of artificial intelligence within all member countries of the European Union.

Taras Holoyad

Taras Holoyad is an electrical engineer and works in the field of artificial intelligence standardization at the Federal Network Agency in Mainz. After graduating from the Technical University of Braunschweig, he calculated electrical machines for road vehicles in the automotive industry before joining the most important German regulatory authority. Taras Holoyad has been contributing to the first and second editions of the German Institute for Standardization’s (DIN) Artificial Intelligence Standardization Roadmap, where he was involved in developing concepts relevant to the global regulation of artificial intelligence. He has also been researching quality characteristics of RGB and IR cameras on traffic signals for AI-based analysis of road traffic in collaboration with the city of Wiesbaden. In cooperation with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, he is also working on the identification of semantic similarities between documents with a focus on patent and legal texts.

Thomas Schmid

Dr. Thomas Schmid is a W1 Professor for Digital Research Methods in Medicine at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and has been developing data-driven artificial intelligence techniques and systems for more than a decade. After studying bioinformatics in Tübingen, Gaborone (Botswana) and Berlin, he first has been research on the use of neural networks for biomedical applications in Leipzig and the USA in cooperation with Charité Berlin. After receiving his PhD in computer science at Leipzig University in 2018, Thomas Schmid established the Machine Learning group there, before co-founding the computer science department of Lancaster University in Leipzig. Since 2021, he has been chairing and developing the annual Leipzig Symposium on Intelligent Systems (LEISYS). His current research interests include biomedical applications of machine learning and the development of hybrid artificial intelligence approaches. Together with Wolfgang Hildesheim and Taras Holoyad, he authored the book Künstliche Intelligenz managen und verstehen (Beuth Publishers, 2023).


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Received: 2023-04-30
Accepted: 2023-09-20
Published Online: 2023-11-09
Published in Print: 2023-08-27

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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