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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 29, 2018

Preconditioning methods for eddy-current optimally controlled time-harmonic electromagnetic problems

  • Owe Axelsson and Dalibor Lukáš EMAIL logo


Time-harmonic problems arise in many important applications, such as eddy current optimally controlled electromagnetic problems. Eddy current modelling can also be used in non-destructive testings of conducting materials. Using a truncated Fourier series to approximate the solution, for linear problems the equation for different frequencies separate, so it suffices to study solution methods for the problem for a single frequency.

The arising discretized system takes a two-by-two or four-by-four block matrix form. Since the problems are in general three-dimensional in space and hence of very large scale, one must use an iterative solution method. It is then crucial to construct efficient preconditioners.

It is shown that an earlier used preconditioner for optimal control problems is applicable here also and leads to very tight eigenvalue bounds and hence very fast convergence such as for a Krylov subspace iterative solution method. A comparison is done with an earlier used block diagonal preconditioner.

JEL Classification: 35K20; 65F08; 65M60


The authors gratefully acknowledge a comment by professor Yuri Kuznetsov which improved the presentation of this paper. We also acknowledge helpful comments by two reviewers.

  1. Funding The first author was supported by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports from the National Programme of Sustainability (NPU II) project “IT4Innovations of excellence in science – LQ1602”. The second author was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under the project 17-22615S. In this work we used the IT4Innovations infrastructure which is supported by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports from the Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovations project “IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center – LM2015070”.


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Received: 2017-04-28
Revised: 2017-12-01
Accepted: 2017-12-06
Published Online: 2018-01-29
Published in Print: 2019-03-26

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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