In this paper, we present a high-order weak Galerkin finite element method (WG-FEM) for solving the stationary Stokes interface problems with discontinuous velocity and pressure in ℝd, d = 2, 3. This WG method is equipped with stable finite elements consisting of usual polynomials of degree k ⩾ 1 for the velocity and polynomials of degree k − 1 for the pressure, both are discontinuous. Optimal convergence rates of order k + 1 for the velocity and order k for the pressure are established in L2-norm on hybrid meshes. Numerical experiments verify the expected order of accuracy for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional examples. Moreover, numerically it is shown that the proposed WG algorithm is able to accommodate geometrically complicated and very irregular interfaces having sharp edges, cusps, and tips.
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions which greatly improved the presentation of this paper.
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