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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 24, 2021

On a Monte Carlo scheme for some linear stochastic partial differential equations

  • Takuya Nakagawa and Akihiro Tanaka EMAIL logo


The aim of this paper is to study the simulation of the expectation for the solution of linear stochastic partial differential equation driven by the space-time white noise with the bounded measurable coefficient and different boundary conditions. We first propose a Monte Carlo type method for the expectation of the solution of a linear stochastic partial differential equation and prove an upper bound for its weak rate error. In addition, we prove the central limit theorem for the proposed method in order to obtain confidence intervals for it. As an application, the Monte Carlo scheme applies to the stochastic heat equation with various boundary conditions, and we provide the result of numerical experiments which confirm the theoretical results in this paper.

MSC 2010: 35R60; 60H15; 60H35

A Appendix

A.1 Proof of the probability representation of (C1)

We consider the solution of SPDE (3.1) with condition (C1). It is well known that the fundamental solution of PDE (2.1) with L=t-a22x under condition (C1) is given by


(see e.g. [19]), and the fundamental solution is known to be the probability density function of the Wiener process on R+ reflected at 0. Therefore, we obtain the representation


where Z1 is an RV with the standard normal distribution. Moreover, the representation of σ(t,x)2 follows from standard computations.

Lemma A.1

For any (t,x)R++×R+, there exist

  • an RV 𝛽 with Beta(1,12) distribution,

  • an RV Γ with Gamma(12,x2) distribution,

  • an RV Z1 with standard normal distribution

such that (β,Γ,Z1) are mutually independent and



Since the fundamental solution Gt(x,y) is given by (A.1), we have


where E1(t,x) and E2(t,x) are defined by

Let β=βα,β be a Beta(α,β) distributed random variable which admits the probability density function


and βα,β and the Wiener process 𝑊 are mutually independent. Then we have


Let Γ=Γ(α,β) be a Gamma(α,β) distributed random variable which admits the probability density function


and such that Γ(α,β) and the Wiener process 𝑊 are mutually independent. We have

which implies the statement. ∎

A.2 Proof of the probability representation of (C2)

We consider the solution of SPDE (3.1) with condition (C2). It is well known that the fundamental solution of PDE (2.1) with L=t-a2x2 under condition (C2) is given by


Then we have the following representation:


where Z1 is an RV with standard normal distribution. Moreover, from an analogue of Lemma A.1, we obtain


A.3 Proof of the probability representation of (C3)

We consider the solution of SPDE (3.1) under condition (C3). It is well known that the fundamental solution of PDE (2.1) with L=t-a2x2 with condition (C3) is given by


for any y[0,l] (see e.g. [19, p. 53]), and it is known that Gt(x,) has a Gaussian upper bound (see [20, p. 216]); thus Gt(x,) is square-integrable.

We now define the integer-valued functions K(x,) and Q(x,),


Then we obtain the following representation for m(t,x).

Lemma A.2

For any (t,x)R++×S, it holds that


where Z1 is an RV with standard normal distribution.

The proof of Lemma A.2 follows from standard computation, and therefore we omit it.

In order to study the representation of σ2(t,x), we first consider the square of the fundamental solution (A.2). Note that gt is an even function and the linear map T(z1,z2):=(z1-z2,z1+z2) is in one-to-one correspondence for each z1,z2N; thus we obtain


where I1 and I2 are defined by

The last equality in (A.3) follows since nZan=nZ-an1[n,n+1)(x)dx=-axdx for any sequence (an)nN satisfying |nZan|<.

By using the importance sampling technique and (A.3), we obtain the following representation for σ(t,x)2.

Lemma A.3

For any (t,x)R++×S, there exist RVs UiU(0,1) and ZiN(0,1) for each i=1,2 such that (U1,U2,Z1,Z2) are mutually independent and


where δ1,j and δ2,j are Kronecker deltas, and θj,θ~j,φj and φ~j are defined by



Using (A.3), we obtain


We now consider the first term of (A.6). In order to derive a probability representation that satisfies (2.6) for p=2, we split the first term of (A.6) as follows:

On the other hand, using the importance sampling technique and Fubini’s theorem, we have


Note that gt(x)=g1(x/t)/t for any xR and t>0; thus we have


where θ1 and φ1 are defined by

From the result of splitting the first term of (A.6) and (A.7), we obtain


where θ~1 and φ~1 are defined by


In the same way,


where θ2 and φ2 are defined by

and from splitting the second term of (A.6) as for the first term, we obtain
where θ~2 and φ~2 are defined by


Therefore, we have concluded the proof. ∎

Remark A.4

For 1<p2, the 𝑝-order moments of the probability representation in (A.7) and in (A.8) are not finite. Therefore, we have applied the importance sampling technique after splitting the space R2 to


A.4 Proof of the probability representation of (C4)

We consider the solution of SPDE (3.1) with condition (C4). It is well known that the fundamental solution of PDE (2.1) with L=t-a2x2 with condition (C4) is given by


(see e.g. [19, p. 52]). Using the same arguments as in Subsection A.3, we have the following representation for m(t,x):


Moreover, by using I1 and I2 defined in (A.4) and (A.5), respectively, we have


Hence we obtain the following lemma using the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma A.3.

Lemma A.5

For any (t,x)R++×S, there exist RVs UiU(0,1) and ZiN(0,1) for each i=1,2 such that (U1,U2,Z1,Z2) are mutually independent, respectively, and

where θj,θ~j,φj and φ~j are defined in Lemma A.3.


The authors would like to thank Professor Arturo Kohatsu-Higa for his valuable suggestions and fruitful discussions. The authors would also like to thank Associate Professor Dai Taguchi for his careful reading and advice. The authors would also like to thank an anonymous referee for his/her careful readings.


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Received: 2020-11-15
Revised: 2021-04-03
Accepted: 2021-04-11
Published Online: 2021-04-24
Published in Print: 2021-06-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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