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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 4, 2023

Bootstrap choice of non-nested autoregressive model with non-normal innovations

  • Sedigheh Zamani Mehreyan ORCID logo EMAIL logo


It is known that the block-based version of the bootstrap method can be used for distributional parameter estimation of dependent data. One of the advantages of this method is that it improves mean square errors. The paper makes two contributions. First, we consider the moving blocking bootstrap method for estimation of parameters of the autoregressive model. For each block, the parameters are estimated based on the modified maximum likelihood method. Second, we provide a method for model selection, Vuong’s test and tracking interval, i.e. for selecting the optimal model for the innovation’s distribution. Our analysis provides analytic results on the asymptotic distribution of the bootstrap estimators and also computational results via simulations. Some properties of the moving blocking bootstrap method are investigated through Monte Carlo simulation. This simulation study shows that, sometimes, Vuong’s test based on the modified maximum likelihood method is not able to distinguish between the two models; Vuong’s test based on the moving blocking bootstrap selects one of the competing models as optimal model. We have studied real data, the S&P500 data, and select optimal model for this data based on the theoretical results.

MSC 2010: 62F40; 62F10; 62M10; 62E20

A Appendix

Proof of Theorem 1

The Taylor expansion of LBnf(j)(γ*) around ˆγBj is



(A.1) LBnf(j)(ˆγBj)=LBnf(j)(γ*)12!(γ*ˆγBj)T2LBnf(j)(γ)γγT|γ=ˆγBj(γ*ˆγBj)+op(1)

Now consider summation of (A.1) for 𝑘 blocks as

(A.2) kj=1bi=1logfˆγBj(ϵsj+i)=kj=1bi=1logfγ*(ϵsj+i)12!kj=1(γ*ˆγBj)T(bi=12γγTlogfγ(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(γ*ˆγBj)+op(k).


(A.3) kj=1bi=1loggˆβBj(ϵsj+i)=kj=1bi=1loggβ*(ϵsj+i)12!kj=1(β*ˆβBj)T(bi=12ββTlogfβ(ϵsj+i)|β=ˆβBj)(β*ˆβBj)+op(k).

Using (A.2) and (A.3), we have


Because of the dependence between the blocks, we use the central limit theorem for dependent random variables to calculate the asymptotic distribution of LBf/gn(ˆγBj,ˆβBj) (see [11]),




or equally

(A.4) n12LBf/gn(ˆγBj,ˆβBj)=n12kj=1bi=1logfγ*(ϵ(j1)b+i)gβ*(ϵ(j1)b+i)+n12kj=1Rfbjn12kj=1Rgbjn122!kj=1(γ*ˆγBj)T(bi=12γγTlogfγ(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(γ*ˆγBj)+n122!kj=1(β*ˆβBj)T(bi=12ββTlogfβ(ϵsj+i)|β=ˆβBj)(β*ˆβBj)+op(1).

The second term in (A.4) is op(1) since kb0 as b and 1kkj=1Rfbj0 as k . For the fourth term in (A.4), we can write

(A.5) n122!kj=1(γ*ˆγBj)T(bi=12γγTlogf(γ)(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(γ*ˆγBj)=n122!(γ*ˆγn)Tkj=1(bi=12γγTlogf(γ)(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(γ*ˆγn)+n12(γ*ˆγn)Tkj=1(Bi=12γγTlogf(γ)(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(ˆγnˆγBj)+n122!kj=1(ˆγnˆγBj)T(bi=12γγTlogf(γ)(ϵsj+i)|γ=ˆγBj)(ˆγnˆγBj).

The first term of (A.5) can be rewritten as




Similarly, the second and third terms of (A.5) are op(1) . Also, the third and fifth terms in (A.4) are similar to the second and fourth. Using central limit theorem and Slutsky theorem, the first term of (A.4) has asymptotic normal distribution,


Proof of Corollary 1

Straightforward from Theorem 2.1. ∎


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Received: 2022-06-30
Revised: 2023-05-12
Accepted: 2023-05-19
Published Online: 2023-07-04
Published in Print: 2023-09-01

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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