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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) September 13, 2016

IIoT in vehicle assembly

Requirements and technologies

IIoT in der Fahrzeugmontage
Anforderungen und Technologien
  • Marco Gewohn

    Marco Gewohn (1990) studied Business Informatics at Jade University and Systems and Engineering Management at Texas Tech University. He works as PhD student for Daimler AG since 2015. Research topics: Hybrid information loop regarding production quality for vehicle assembly; human-system collaboration; data and quality feedback process; quality visualization.

    Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen, C- and E-Class Coupé and Cabriolet Assembly (SEC/MZC1), HPC SEC/MZC1, Mercedesstraße 1, 28309 Bremen, Germany, Tel.: +49 176 3093 4252

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    and Björn Grimm

    Björn Grimm (1977) studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Karlsruhe (TH). He works for Daimler AG since 2004. Research topics: Implementation and development of engineering processes and tools; implementation of new production concepts; development, standardization and implementation of AutomationML.

    Daimler AG, Mercedes Benz Cars Operations, Technology Center Production Cars, Automation and Controls Technologies (TF/VAS), Engineering Mechatronics, HPC 050-B861, TF/VAS, 71059 Sindelfingen, Germany, Tel.: +49 151 5861 3582


The article reflects the results of a research with view on the transformation to a smart assembly line with the use of IIoT in car manufacturing. It considers requirements on IIoT for an industrial use and for a use within the vehicle assembly. Furthermore, it shows a set of technologies for an IIoT design for the collaboration of human, machine and system. Then, the network of the system engineering with AutomationML and the relation to the production process is described.


Der Artikel spiegelt Forschungsergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Wandlung zu einem intelligenten Montageband mittels IIoT in der Fahrzeugmontage wider. Es werden Anforderungen an IIoT für einen Einsatz in Industrie und Fahrzeugmontage betrachtet. Zudem wird ein Set an Technologien für eine IIoT-Umgebung zur Kollaboration zwischen Mensch, Maschine und System gezeigt. Abschließend werden die Vernetzung des Anlagenengineerings mit AutomationML und die Beziehung zum Produktionsprozess beschrieben.

About the authors

Marco Gewohn

Marco Gewohn (1990) studied Business Informatics at Jade University and Systems and Engineering Management at Texas Tech University. He works as PhD student for Daimler AG since 2015. Research topics: Hybrid information loop regarding production quality for vehicle assembly; human-system collaboration; data and quality feedback process; quality visualization.

Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Plant Bremen, C- and E-Class Coupé and Cabriolet Assembly (SEC/MZC1), HPC SEC/MZC1, Mercedesstraße 1, 28309 Bremen, Germany, Tel.: +49 176 3093 4252

Björn Grimm

Björn Grimm (1977) studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Karlsruhe (TH). He works for Daimler AG since 2004. Research topics: Implementation and development of engineering processes and tools; implementation of new production concepts; development, standardization and implementation of AutomationML.

Daimler AG, Mercedes Benz Cars Operations, Technology Center Production Cars, Automation and Controls Technologies (TF/VAS), Engineering Mechatronics, HPC 050-B861, TF/VAS, 71059 Sindelfingen, Germany, Tel.: +49 151 5861 3582

Received: 2016-4-14
Accepted: 2016-6-14
Published Online: 2016-9-13
Published in Print: 2016-9-28

©2016 Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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