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On the importance of cryptographic agility for industrial automation

Preparing industrial systems for the quantum computing era

Die Bedeutung kryptografischer Agilität für die industrielle Automatisierung
Industrielle Systeme auf das Quantenzeitalter vorbereiten
  • Sebastian Paul

    Sebastian Paul studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. In 2017, he received his Master’s degree from KIT. He works at Bosch Corporate Research as a research engineer in Industrial IoT Security and is currently pursuing his PhD from Technical University of Darmstadt at the Security in Information Technology research group. His main research interests are post-quantum security and cryptographic agility.

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    and Melanie Niethammer

    Melanie Niethammer is a research engineer in Industrial IoT Security at Bosch Corporate Research. She holds a Master’s degree in Computer and Information Science from the University of Konstanz. From 2016 to 2018, she worked on the national reference project IUNO for Security in Industry 4.0, focusing on innovative user authentication methods in industrial remote maintenance. Her main research areas are IoT device provisioning as well as attacks on industrial manufacturing systems.


Cryptographic primitives do not remain secure, they deteriorate over time. On the one hand increasing computing power leads to more powerful attacks on their underlying mathematical problems. On the other hand quantum computing threatens to break many widely used cryptographic primitives. The main goal of cryptographic agility is to enable an easy transition to alternative cryptographic schemes. Considering the long lifetime of products within industrial automation, we argue that vendors should strive for cryptographic agility in their products. In this work we motivate cryptographic agility by discussing the threat of quantum computers to modern cryptography. Additionally, we introduce the reader to the concept of post-quantum cryptography. Ultimately, we demonstrate that cryptographic agility requires three elements: 1) cryptographic application programming interfaces, 2) secure update mechanisms and 3) documentation of cryptographic primitives. By providing practical concepts we show how to meet these requirements in software-based systems.


Die Sicherheitseigenschaften kryptografischer Verfahren verändern sich im Laufe der Zeit, die Verfahren werden immer angreifbarer. Das liegt zum einen an besseren Angriffen auf deren Strukturen und zum anderen bedrohen Quantencomputer heutige, weitverbreitete kryptografische Verfahren. Das Ziel kryptografischer Agilität ist es, einen schnellen Umstieg auf alternative kryptografische Verfahren zu ermöglichen. Betrachtet man die lange Lebensdauer von Produkten innerhalb der industriellen Automatisierung ist es besonders wichtig, dass deren Hersteller kryptografische Agilitätsstrategien anwenden. Dieser Artikel zeigt auf, warum die Relevanz kryptografischer Agilität angesichts der Bedrohung durch Quantencomputer zunimmt. Zusätzlich wird auf die Grundlagen quantenresistenter Kryptografie eingegangen. Abschließend wird beschrieben wie kryptografische Agilität mithilfe von drei Elementen erreicht werden kann: 1) kryptografische Bibliotheken, 2) sichere Update-Methoden und 3) Dokumentation verwendeter kryptografischer Verfahren. Mithilfe von anschaulichen Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie man diese Anforderungen in der Praxis erfüllen kann.

About the authors

Sebastian Paul

Sebastian Paul studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. In 2017, he received his Master’s degree from KIT. He works at Bosch Corporate Research as a research engineer in Industrial IoT Security and is currently pursuing his PhD from Technical University of Darmstadt at the Security in Information Technology research group. His main research interests are post-quantum security and cryptographic agility.

Melanie Niethammer

Melanie Niethammer is a research engineer in Industrial IoT Security at Bosch Corporate Research. She holds a Master’s degree in Computer and Information Science from the University of Konstanz. From 2016 to 2018, she worked on the national reference project IUNO for Security in Industry 4.0, focusing on innovative user authentication methods in industrial remote maintenance. Her main research areas are IoT device provisioning as well as attacks on industrial manufacturing systems.


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Received: 2019-02-11
Accepted: 2019-03-25
Published Online: 2019-05-14
Published in Print: 2019-05-27

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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