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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter April 19, 2017

Pseudo-free families of finite computational elementary abelian p-groups

  • Mikhail Anokhin EMAIL logo


We initiate the study of (weakly) pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups, where p is an arbitrary fixed prime. We restrict ourselves to families of computational elementary abelian p-groups Gd such that for every index d, each element of Gd is represented by a single bit string of length polynomial in the length of d. First, we prove that pseudo-freeness and weak pseudo-freeness for families of computational elementary abelian p-groups are equivalent. Second, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups to be pseudo-free (provided that at least one of two additional conditions holds). Third, we establish some necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups.

MSC 2010: 68Q17; 94A60

1 Introduction

Informally, a family of computational groups is a family of groups whose elements are represented by bit strings in such a way that equality testing, multiplication, inversion, computing the identity element, and sampling random elements can be performed efficiently. Loosely speaking, a family of computational groups is called pseudo-free if, given a random group G in the family (for an arbitrary value of the security parameter) and random elements g1,,gmG, it is computationally hard to find a system of group equations


and elements h1,,hnG such that (1.1) is unsatisfiable in the free group freely generated by a1,,am (over variables x1,,xn), but


in G for all i{1,,s}. If a family of computational groups satisfies this definition with the additional requirement that n=0 (i.e., that the equations in (1.1) be variable-free), then this family is said to be weakly pseudo-free. Of course, (weak) pseudo-freeness depends heavily on the form in which system (1.1) is required to be found, i.e., on the representation of such systems.

The notion of pseudo-freeness (which is a variant of weak pseudo-freeness in the above sense) was introduced by Hohenberger in [8, Section 4.5] (for black-box groups). Rivest gave formal definitions of a pseudo-free family of computational groups (see [13, Definition 2], [14, Slide 17]) and a weakly pseudo-free one (see [14, Slide 11]). Note that the definitions of (weak) pseudo-freeness in those works are based on single group equations rather than systems of group equations. For motivation of the study of pseudo-freeness, we refer the reader to [8, 13, 11]. Also, the above cited works contain definitions of (weak) pseudo-freeness in the variety 𝔄 of all abelian groups (using different terminology). (A variety of groups can be defined as a class of groups that is closed under taking subgroups, homomorphic images, and cartesian products. In particular, any variety of groups contains the trivial group because this group is the cartesian product of the empty family of groups.) Note that most works on pseudo-free families of computational groups deal with pseudo-freeness in 𝔄. To define a (weakly) pseudo-free family in 𝔄, it is natural to require that all groups in the family be abelian and to replace the free group by the free abelian group in the above definition of a (weakly) pseudo-free family. Similarly, we can define a (weakly) pseudo-free family in an arbitrary variety 𝔙 of groups. To do this, we require that all groups in the family belong to 𝔙 and replace the free group by the 𝔙-free group in the above definition of a (weakly) pseudo-free family. See [1, Definition 3.3] for a formal definition of a pseudo-free family of computational groups in an arbitrary variety of groups. Of course, pseudo-free families of computational groups in different varieties are completely different objects. A survey of results concerning pseudo-freeness can be found in [4, Chapter 1].

In this paper, we study (weakly) pseudo-free families of computational groups in the variety of all elementary abelian p-groups, where p is an arbitrary fixed prime number. We call these families (weakly) pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Note that we restrict ourselves to families (GddD) of computational elementary abelian p-groups (where D{0,1}*) such that for every dD, each element of Gd is represented by a single bit string of length polynomial in |d|. Hence we can assume that Gd{0,1}η(|d|) for some polynomial η and that the representation of each element gGd is g itself (see Definition 3.1).

Let (HiiI) (where I{0,1}*) be a weakly pseudo-free family of finite computational groups in an arbitrary variety of infinite exponent (or, in another terminology, of exponent zero), e.g., in the variety of all groups or all abelian groups. (The exponent of a variety 𝔙 of groups is equal to the order of a free generator of the 𝔙-free group.) Assume that, given a positive integer n, a representation of the variable-free equation a1n=1 can be computed in polynomial time. Then it is easy to prove that the problem of finding |Hi| for a given iI is computationally hard (see [13, Section 4.1] or [14, Slide 12] for a guideline). It can be expected that this does not necessarily hold for (weakly) pseudo-free families of finite computational groups in varieties of finite exponent (provided that such families exist). In particular, this applies to (weakly) pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups (see Corollary 4.8 and Remark 4.9). Note that the problem of extending the theory of pseudo-freeness to families of computational groups of easily computable order was posed by Rivest (see [13, Section 7], [14, Slide 22]).

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

  1. The equivalence of pseudo-freeness and weak pseudo-freeness for families of computational elementary abelian p-groups (see Theorem 3.7). This enables us to use the definition of weak pseudo-freeness (which is more convenient for our purposes than the definition of pseudo-freeness) for proving results concerning pseudo-freeness. Bearing in mind this equivalence, we do not use the terms “weakly pseudo-free” and “weak pseudo-freeness” when speaking of families of computational elementary abelian p-groups after the proof of Theorem 3.7.

  2. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for a family Γ of computational elementary abelian p-groups to be pseudo-free, provided that at least one of two additional conditions holds (see Theorem 4.11). These necessary and sufficient conditions are formulated in terms of collision-intractability or one-wayness of certain homomorphic families KnΓγ of functions, where γ is a polynomial parameter. See Section 4.1 for the definition of these families of functions.

  3. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups (see Theorem 4.12). With one exception, these conditions are the existence of certain homomorphic collision-intractable families of p-ary hash functions or certain homomorphic one-way families of functions.

In Section 4.4, we construct a Diffie–Hellman-like key agreement protocol from an arbitrary family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Also, the protocol uses a polynomial parameter ρ. Unfortunately, we do not know whether this protocol is secure (in some natural sense) under reasonable assumptions on the underlying family of computational elementary abelian p-groups and the polynomial parameter ρ. We leave this for further research (see Problem 5.3).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains notation, basic definitions, and general results used in the paper. In Section 3, we formally define and discuss families of computational elementary abelian p-groups (with the above restrictions), as well as pseudo-free and weakly pseudo-free ones. Also, Section 3 contains the proof of equivalence of pseudo-freeness and weak pseudo-freeness for families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. In Section 4, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for pseudo-freeness and for the existence of pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Finally, Section 5 contains some problems concerning families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. We suggest these problems for further research.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 General preliminaries

In this paper, denotes the set of all nonnegative integers. Let m,n. For a set X, we denote by Xn the set of all (ordered) n-tuples of elements from X and by Xm×n the set of all m×n matrices over X. When necessary, we consider tuples as matrices with one row. As usual, (xi,j) denotes the m×n matrix (for some specified m and n) whose (i,j) entry is xi,j for all i{1,,m} and j{1,,n}. The transpose of a matrix M is denoted by M𝖳.

We consider elements of {0,1}n as bit strings of length n. Furthermore, let {0,1}n=i=0n{0,1}i and {0,1}*=i=0{0,1}i. If u,v{0,1}*, then we denote by |u| the length of u and by uv the concatenation of u and v. The unary representation of n, i.e., the string of n ones, is denoted by 1n. Similarly, 0n denotes the string of n zeros.

Let I be a set. Suppose each iI is assigned an object qi. Then we denote by (qiiI) the family of all such objects and by {qiiI} the set of all elements of this family.

When necessary, we assume that all “finite” objects (e.g., integers, tuples of integers, tuples of tuples of integers) are represented by bit strings in some natural way. Sometimes we identify such objects with their representations. Unless otherwise specified, integers are represented by their binary expansions.

Throughout the paper, p denotes an arbitrary fixed prime number. Also, we denote by p the set {0,,p-1}. If necessary, this set is considered as a field under addition and multiplication modulo p or as the additive group of this field. The intended meaning will be clear from the context.

In this paper, we deal with elementary abelian p-groups. Recall that a group G is called an elementary abelian p-group if G is abelian and pg=0 for any gG. (We use additive notation for abelian groups.) In fact, elementary abelian p-groups are the same as vector spaces over the field p. Therefore a group is an elementary abelian p-group if and only if it is isomorphic to a direct power of the additive group of this field. For any n and any group G, Gn denotes the nth direct power of G. If S is a system of elements of a group, then we denote by S the subgroup of this group generated by S.

For convenience, we say that a function π:{0} is a polynomial if there exist c{0} and d such that π(n)=cnd for any n{0} (π(0) can be an arbitrary positive integer).

2.2 Probabilistic preliminaries

Let 𝒳 be a probability distribution on a finite or countably infinite sample space X. Then we denote by supp𝒳 the support of 𝒳, i.e., the set {xXPr𝒳{x}0}. In many cases, one can consider 𝒳 as a distribution on supp𝒳. Suppose α is a function from X to a finite or countably infinite set Y. Then α can be considered as a random variable. The distribution of this random variable is denoted by α(𝒳). Recall that this distribution is defined by Prα(𝒳){y}=Pr𝒳α-1(y) for each yY.

We use the notation 𝐱1,,𝐱n𝒳 to indicate that 𝐱1,,𝐱n (denoted by upright bold letters) are independent random variables distributed according to 𝒳. We assume that these random variables are independent of all other random variables defined in such a way. Furthermore, all occurrences of an upright bold letter (possibly indexed or primed) in a probabilistic statement refer to the same (unique) random variable. Of course, all random variables in a probabilistic statement are assumed to be defined on the same sample space. Other specifics of random variables do not matter for us. Note that the probability distribution 𝒳 in this notation can be random. For example, suppose (𝒳iiI) is a probability ensemble consisting of distributions on the set X, where the set I is also finite or countably infinite. Moreover, let be a probability distribution on I. Then 𝐢 and 𝐱𝒳𝐢 mean that the joint distribution of the random variables 𝐢 and 𝐱 is given by Pr[𝐢=i,𝐱=x]=Pr{i}Pr𝒳i{x} for each iI and xX.

For any n, we denote by 𝒳n the distribution of (𝐱1,,𝐱n), where 𝐱1,,𝐱n𝒳. Similarly, for arbitrary m,n, 𝒳m×n denotes the distribution of (𝐱i,j), where 𝐱i,j𝒳 for all i{1,,m} and j{1,,n}.

The notation x1,,xn𝒳 indicates that x1,,xn (denoted by upright medium-weight letters) are fixed elements of the set X chosen independently at random according to the distribution 𝒳.

Let and 𝒮 be probability distributions on the set X. Then the statistical distance (also known as variation distance) between and 𝒮 is defined as


It is well known that Δ(,𝒮)=maxMX|PrM-Pr𝒮M|. See also, e.g., [16, Section 8.8] or [10, Lecture 7].

For a nonempty finite set Z, we denote by 𝒰(Z) the uniform probability distribution on Z.

2.3 Computational and cryptographic preliminaries

We need to generate random elements y𝒰(p). But if p2, then there is no probabilistic bounded-time algorithm (in the standard sense) that does this (see [16, Exercise 9.4]). For this reason, we slightly modify the standard definition of a probabilistic algorithm. The only modification we make to this definition is allowing a probabilistic algorithm to use random elements y𝒰(p) instead of random bits b𝒰({0,1}). (Recall that p is fixed.) Unless otherwise specified, probabilistic algorithms considered in this paper use random elements of p. Note that there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A such that A uses random bits and for any n the statistical distance between the distribution of A(1n) and 𝒰(p) is at most 2-n (see [16, Algorithm RN, Section 9.2]). Similarly, it is easy to see that there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm B such that B uses random elements of p and for any n the statistical distance between the distribution of B(1n) and 𝒰({0,1}) is at most p-n. This shows that the computational power of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms using random elements of p is almost the same as that of such algorithms using random bits.

Let 𝒳=(𝒳iiI) be a probability ensemble consisting of distributions on {0,1}*, where I{0,1}* or I. Then 𝒳 is called polynomial-time samplable (or polynomial-time constructible) if there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A such that for every iI the distribution of A(i) (if I{0,1}*) or A(1i) (if I) coincides with 𝒳i. It is evident that if 𝒳 is polynomial-time samplable, then there exists a polynomial π satisfying supp𝒳i{0,1}π(|i|) (if I{0,1}*) or supp𝒳i{0,1}π(i) (if I) for any iI.

Suppose K is an infinite set of nonnegative integers, D is a subset of {0,1}*, and 𝒟=(𝒟kkK) is a polynomial-time samplable probability ensemble consisting of distributions on D. Let k be the distribution of (1k,𝐝), where kK and 𝐝𝒟k, and let =(kkK). Then is a polynomial-time samplable probability ensemble. Also, denote kKsuppk by E. That is, E={(1k,d)kK,dsupp𝒟k}. This notation is used throughout the paper.

A function ϵ:K{rr0} is called negligible if for every polynomial π there exists a nonnegative integer n such that ϵ(k)1/π(k) whenever kK and kn. We denote by negl an unspecified negligible function on K. Any (in)equality containing negl(k) is meant to hold for all kK.

Let (𝐫kkK) and (𝐬kkK) be probability ensembles consisting of random variables that take values in {0,1}*. Then these ensembles are said to be computationally indistinguishable (or indistinguishable in polynomial time) if for any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A,


Furthermore, two probability ensembles (kkK) and (𝒮kkK) consisting of distributions on {0,1}* are said to be computationally indistinguishable (or indistinguishable in polynomial time) if (𝐫kkK) and (𝐬kkK) are computationally indistinguishable, where 𝐫kk and 𝐬k𝒮k for all kK.

Definition 2.1.

Suppose (HddD) is a family of groups. We call a family (ϕd:Hd{0,1}*dD) of functions homomorphic if the following two conditions hold:

  1. For any dD, the operation d in ϕd(Hd) given by ϕd(y)dϕd(z)=ϕd(yz), where y,zHd, is well defined. (Hence for every dD, ϕd(Hd) is a group under d and ϕd is a homomorphism from Hd onto this group.)

  2. The functions (d,v,w)vdw, (d,v)v-1 (in the group ϕd(Hd)), and dϕd(1), where dD and v,wϕd(Hd), are polynomial-time computable. (Here, of course, ϕd(1) is the identity element of the group ϕd(Hd).)

Let dD. It is evident that if ϕd is a homomorphism from Hd to a group Gd{0,1}*, then d is well defined and coincides with the restriction of the multiplication in Gd to the subgroup ϕd(Hd). Also, it is easy to see that the operation d is well defined if and only if ϕd-1(ϕd(1)) is a normal subgroup of Hd and ϕd-1(ϕd(y))=yϕd-1(ϕd(1)) for all yHd. In particular, this holds if ϕd is one-to-one.

We emphasize that a homomorphic family of functions does not just consist of group homomorphisms. It is also required that multiplication, inversion, and computing the identity element in the group ϕd(Hd) can be performed in polynomial time when d is given. Note that we use the term “homomorphic family of functions” by analogy with the term “homomorphic encryption”.

We will use Definition 2.1 in the case when Hd is an elementary abelian p-group for each dD. In this case, of course, we will switch to additive notation. It is evident that if Hd is an elementary abelian p-group and d is well defined, then ϕd(Hd) is an elementary abelian p-group under d as a homomorphic image of Hd.

Definition 2.2 (see also [10, Preliminaries]).

A function ρ:D is called a polynomial parameter (on D) if the function d1ρ(d) (dD) is polynomial-time computable. It is easy to see that the function ρ is a polynomial parameter if and only if it is polynomial-time computable and there exists a polynomial π satisfying ρ(d)π(|d|) for all dD. A function η:I, where I, is said to be a polynomial parameter (on I) if the function 1iη(i) (iI) is a polynomial parameter on the set {1iiI} in the above sense.

Note that the restriction of any polynomial to a set I is a polynomial parameter on I.

Example 2.3.

We will use the following types of polynomial parameters on E:

  1. (1k,d)η(k), where η is a polynomial parameter on K (in particular, a polynomial restricted to K).

  2. (1k,d)ρ(d), where ρ is a polynomial parameter on D.

Remark 2.4.

Suppose (ddD) and (𝒮ddD) are polynomial-time samplable probability ensembles consisting of distributions on {0,1}*. Let σ be a polynomial parameter on E and let, for kK, 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐫0,,𝐫σ(1k,𝐝)𝐝, and 𝐬0,,𝐬σ(1k,𝐝)𝒮𝐝. Assume that the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐫0)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐬0)kK) are computationally indistinguishable. A standard hybrid argument (see [5, proof of Theorem 3.2.6]) shows that the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐫1,,𝐫σ(1k,𝐝))kK) and ((𝐝,𝐬1,,𝐬σ(1k,𝐝))kK) are computationally indistinguishable. (It suffices to prove this in the case when σ(1k,d)=π(k) for all (1k,d)E, where π:K{pll} is a polynomial parameter.)

Let Φ=(ϕd:Yd{0,1}*dD) be a family of functions such that there exists a polynomial η satisfying Yd{0,1}η(|d|) for all dD. Recall that the family Φ is called polynomial-time computable if the function (d,y)ϕd(y) (where dD and yYd) is polynomial-time computable. Moreover, recall that a collision for a function ϕ is a pair of distinct elements in its domain having the same image under ϕ.

Definition 2.5.

The family Φ is called collision-intractable (or collision-resistant) with respect to 𝒟 if for any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A, Pr[A(1k,𝐝) is a collision for ϕ𝐝]=negl(k), where 𝐝𝒟k.

In particular, if ϕd is one-to-one for each dD, then Φ is collision-intractable with respect to 𝒟.

Definition 2.6.

Suppose (𝒴ddD) is a polynomial-time samplable probability ensemble, where 𝒴d is a probability distribution on Yd for any dD. Then the family Φ is said to be one-way with respect to 𝒟 and (𝒴ddD) if it is polynomial-time computable and for any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A, Pr[A(1k,𝐝,ϕ𝐝(𝐲))ϕ𝐝-1(ϕ𝐝(𝐲))]=negl(k), where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐲𝒴𝐝.

We use the term “one-way family of functions” instead of the more common term “family of one-way functions” because one-wayness is a property of the whole family of functions rather than of its individual members. For the same reason, we use the terms “homomorphic family of functions” and “collision-intractable family of functions”.

The next lemma is well known.

Lemma 2.7.

Suppose the family Φ is polynomial-time computable and collision-intractable with respect to D. Also, assume that the following conditions hold:

  1. Yd for all dD.

  2. The probability ensemble (𝒰(Yd)dD) is polynomial-time samplable.

  3. For 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐲𝒰(Y𝐝), where kK, we have Pr[ϕ𝐝-1(ϕ𝐝(𝐲))={𝐲}]=negl(k).

Then the family Φ is one-way with respect to D and (U(Yd)dD).

Lemma 2.7 can be proved using an argument similar to that used in [6, proof of Proposition 8.4] (see also [6, Proposition 8.2]). We will apply Lemma 2.7 to families Φ consisting of group homomorphisms that are not one-to-one. It is evident that if ϕ is such a homomorphism defined on a group Y, then ϕ-1(ϕ(y)){y} for all yY.

We need the following variant of the well-known Goldreich–Levin theorem for p.

Lemma 2.8 (follows from [3, Theorem 1]).

Suppose (ψd:Zpρ(d){0,1}*dD) is a one-way family of functions with respect to D and (U(Zpρ(d))dD), where ρ is a polynomial parameter on D. For every kK, let dDk, y,zU(Zpρ(d)), and tU(Zp). Then the probability ensembles ((d,ψd(y),z,yzT)kK) and ((d,ψd(y),z,t)kK) are computationally indistinguishable.

Note that for any y=(y1,,yn)pn and z=(z1,,zn)pn (where n), yz𝖳 is the inner product of y and z over the field p, i.e., y1z1++ynzn.

Definition 2.9.

Let (IkkK) be a pairwise disjoint family of nonempty subsets of {0,1}* and let I=kKIk. For each iI, define κ(i) as the unique kK such that iIk. Assume that the following two conditions hold:

  1. There exists a polynomial π such that Ik{0,1}π(k) for any kK.

  2. The function κ:IK defined above is a polynomial parameter.

Moreover, suppose σ and τ are polynomial parameters on K. Then a family (χi:pσ(κ(i))pτ(κ(i))iI) of functions is called a family of p-ary hash functions if this family is polynomial-time computable and σ(k)>τ(k) for all kK.

3 (Weakly) pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups

3.1 Families of computational elementary abelian p-groups

Loosely speaking, a family of computational groups consists of groups Gd (where dD) whose elements are represented by bit strings in such a way that equality testing, multiplication, inversion, computing the identity element, and sampling random elements in Gd can be performed efficiently when d is given. See [1, Definition 3.1] for a formal definition of a family of computational groups. In this paper, we consider only families (GddD) of computational elementary abelian p-groups such that the following additional conditions hold:

  1. For any dD, each element of Gd is represented by a single bit string. Hence we can assume that Gd{0,1}* and that the representation of each element gGd is g itself.

  2. There exists a polynomial η such that Gd{0,1}η(|d|) for all dD. In this case, the family of computational groups has exponential size, i.e., there exists a polynomial η such that |Gd|2η(|d|) for all dD. See also [1, Definition 3.2]. As noted in [1], pseudo-free families that do not have exponential size per se are of little interest.

Now we give a formal definition of a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups (with the above restrictions).

Definition 3.1.

Let ((Gd,𝒢d)dD) be a family of pairs, where Gd{0,1}* is an elementary abelian p-group and 𝒢d is a probability distribution on Gd for any dD. Then this family is said to be a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups if the following conditions hold:

  1. There exists a polynomial η such that Gd{0,1}η(|d|) for all dD.

  2. There exists a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that, given dD and g,hGd, computes g+h in Gd.

  3. The probability ensemble (𝒢ddD) is polynomial-time samplable.

For example, if ρ is a polynomial parameter on D, then ((pρ(d),𝒰(pρ(d)))dD) is a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Note that before Definition 3.1 we do not specify the distributions on the sets of representations of group elements when speaking of families of computational groups. This is because these distributions do not matter for us there.

In the rest of the paper, Γ=((Gd,𝒢d)dD) denotes a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups.

Remark 3.2.

It is evident that, given dD and gGd, -g (in Gd) can be computed in polynomial time as (p-1)g. Moreover, the identity element of Gd can also be computed in polynomial time from dD as pg for an arbitrary element gGd (which can be obtained by sampling from the distribution 𝒢d).

Remark 3.3.

Suppose ((Hd,d)dD) is a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups and Φ=(ϕd:Hd{0,1}*dD) is a polynomial-time computable family of functions. Assume that Φ satisfies condition (i) of Definition 2.1 and that the function (d,v,w)vdw (dD, v,wϕd(Hd)) is polynomial-time computable, where d is defined in this condition. Then it is easy to see that ((ϕd(Hd),ϕd(d))dD) is a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Furthermore, Remark 3.2 shows that Φ also satisfies condition (ii) of Definition 2.1. Thus, the family Φ is homomorphic.

3.2 Pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups

Suppose F, is the elementary abelian p-group with basis a1,a2,,x1,x2, (as a vector space over the field p). We consider F, as a free group in the variety of all elementary abelian p-groups. Furthermore, let F=a1,a2,, Fm,n=a1,,am,x1,,xn, and Fm=Fm,0=a1,,am for any m,n. It is well known that ai and xj (for all i,j{0}) can be considered as variables taking values in an arbitrary elementary abelian p-group G. Namely, suppose w=i=1yiai+j=1zjxjF,, where yi,zjp for all i,j{0}. Here, of course, y1,y2,,z1,z2, are uniquely determined by w and the sets Iw={i{0}yi0} and Jw={j{0}zj0} are finite. Assume that wFm,n for some m,n. (This means that yi=zj=0 for all i>m and j>n.) Let g=(g1,,gm,) be an m-tuple, where mm, or an infinite sequence of elements of G. Similarly, let h=(h1,,hn,) be an n-tuple, where nn, or an infinite sequence of elements of G. Then the element w(g;h)G is defined as y1g1++ymgm+z1h1++znhn. Whenever n=0, we omit the semicolon in this notation, i.e., we write w(g) instead of w(g;). Note that w=w(a;x), where, of course, a=(a1,a2,) and x=(x1,x2,).

In this paper, we use either of the two following representations of the element w for computational purposes:

  1. (((i1,yi1),,(is,yis)),((j1,zj1),,(jt,zjt))), where {i1,,is}=Iw, i1<<is, {j1,,jt}=Jw, and j1<<jt.

  2. ((y1,,ym),(z1,,zn)), where m=maxIw and n=maxJw. Here we put max=0.

All our results depending on such a representation hold for both representations defined above. Note that every element of F, has a unique representation of each of the above forms.

Remark 3.4.

By a straight-line program over F, we mean a sequence (u1,,un) of tuples such that for any l{1,,n}, either ul=(b,m), where b{a,x} and m{0}, or ul=(i,j,+), where i,j{1,,l-1}. Here a, x, and + are considered as symbols. A straight-line program (u1,,un) over F, naturally defines the sequence (v1,,vn) of elements of F, by induction. Namely, for every l{1,,n}, we put vl=bm if ul=(b,m) and vl=vi+vj if ul=(i,j,+), where b, m, i, and j are as above. Then the straight-line program (u1,,un)represents the element vn. Note that we do not need tuples ul of the form (i,-) defining vl=-vi (where i{1,,l-1}) because they can be replaced by sequences of at most 2log2(p-1) tuples of the form (i,j,+). Also, 0 can be represented by a straight-line program over F, consisting of one tuple of the form (b,m) and at most 2log2p tuples of the form (i,j,+).

It is easy to see that, given a straight-line program over F, representing an element wF,, the first of the above representations of w can be computed in polynomial time. Conversely, given the first of the above representations of an element wF,, a straight-line program over F, representing w can also be computed in polynomial time. This is why we do not use the representation of elements of F, by straight-line programs over F, for computational purposes (unlike [8]).

Let G be an elementary abelian p-group and let g=(g1,,gm)Gm, where m. Denote by Σ(G,g) the set of all tuples ((v1,w1),,(vs,ws),h) such that the following conditions hold:

  1. s{0}, hGn for some n, and v1,w1,,vs,wsFm,n.

  2. The system of equations


    over variables x1,,xn is unsatisfiable in Fm (or, equivalently, in F).

  3. vi(g;h)=wi(g;h) in G for all i{1,,s}.

Definition 3.5.

The family Γ of computational elementary abelian p-groups is called pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟 if for any polynomial π and any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A,


where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐠𝒢𝐝π(k).

A more general definition of a pseudo-free family of computational groups (in an arbitrary variety 𝔙 of groups with respect to 𝒟 and a representation for elements of the 𝔙-free group by bit strings) was given in [1, Definition 3.3]. Our Definition 3.5 is a special case of that definition (in the variety of all elementary abelian p-groups and with respect to the above representations for elements of F,).

3.3 Weak pseudo-freeness and its equivalence to pseudo-freeness for families of computational elementary abelian p-groups

We define a weakly pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups similarly to the definition of a weakly pseudo-free family of computational groups given by Rivest in [14, Slide 11]. For an elementary abelian p-group G and a tuple g=(g1,,gm)Gm, where m, let


The condition of the next definition is obtained from the condition of Definition 3.5 by replacing Σ(G𝐝,𝐠) by Σ(G𝐝,𝐠).

Definition 3.6.

The family Γ of computational elementary abelian p-groups is said to be weakly pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟 if for any polynomial π and any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A,


where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐠𝒢𝐝π(k).

Theorem 3.7.

The family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to D if and only if it is weakly pseudo-free with respect to D.


It is sufficient to construct deterministic polynomial-time algorithms B and C such that for every dD, gGdm (where m), uΣ(Gd,g), and vΣ(Gd,g), we have B(u)Σ(Gd,g) and C(v)Σ(Gd,g).

Let dD and gGdm, where m. Also, let u=((v1,w1),,(vs,ws),h)Σ(Gd,g), where s{0}, hGdn for some n, and vi,wiFm,n for all i{1,,s}. Suppose B is a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input u as follows:

  1. By rearranging the scalar multiples of a1,,am,x1,,xn in vi(a;x) and wi(a;x), transform the system of equations


    into an equivalent system of the form


    where vi(x)x1,,xn and wi(a)Fm for all i{1,,s}.

  2. By using Gaussian elimination, transform system (3.2) into an equivalent system of the form


    where 1n1<<ntn, 0ts, vj′′(x)xnj+1,,xn for all j{1,,t}, wi′′(a)Fm for all i{1,,s}. (Since (3.1) is unsatisfiable in Fm, this system is also unsatisfiable in this group. This means that wl′′(a)0 for some l{t+1,,s}.)

  3. Choose an index l{t+1,,s} such that wl′′(a)0 (see the previous item) and return wl′′(a). (It is easy to see that wl′′(g)=0. Therefore, B(u)Σ(Gd,g).)

Let vΣ(Gd,g). Suppose C is a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that returns ((v,0),()) on input v. Then C(v)Σ(Gd,g). ∎

In what follows, bearing in mind Theorem 3.7, we do not use the terms “weakly pseudo-free” and “weak pseudo-freeness” when speaking of families of computational elementary abelian p-groups.

Remark 3.8.

For an elementary abelian p-group G and a tuple g=(g1,,gm)Gm, where m, let


It is easy to see that the condition of Definition 3.6 (and by Theorem 3.7, the condition of Definition 3.5 as well) holds if and only if for any polynomial π and any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A, Pr[A(1k,𝐝,𝐠)Λ(G𝐝,𝐠)]=negl(k), where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐠𝒢𝐝π(k). In the sequel, we use only the last condition as a characterization of families of computational elementary abelian p-groups that are pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟. Note that this condition does not depend on the representation of elements of F,.

3.4 Some remarks

Remark 3.9.

Let Ξ be a set of polynomial parameters on E such that for any polynomial π there exists a polynomial parameter ξΞ satisfying π(k)ξ(1k,d) for all (1k,d)E. For example, we can take the set of all polynomial parameters on E as Ξ. Replace the polynomial π by ξΞ and π(k) by ξ(1k,𝐝) in the condition defined in Remark 3.8. Then the modified version of this condition is equivalent to the original one. The same holds for the conditions of Definitions 3.5 and 3.6.

We prove that if the family Γ satisfies the original version of the condition defined in Remark 3.8, then it satisfies the modified version of this condition. The converse and the equivalence of the two versions for the conditions of Definitions 3.5 and 3.6 can be proved similarly. Let ξΞ and let A be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm. Choose a polynomial π such that ξ(1k,d)π(k) for all (1k,d)E. Suppose B is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input (1k,d,g) for every kK, dsupp𝒟k, and g=(g1,,gπ(k))Gdπ(k) as follows:

  1. Invoke A on input (1k,d,g), where g=(g1,,gξ(1k,d)).

  2. If A returns a ξ(1k,d)-tuple of elements of p, then return this tuple right-padded with π(k)-ξ(1k,d) zeros (to obtain a π(k)-tuple of elements of p). Otherwise, the algorithm B fails.

It is evident that B(1k,d,g)Λ(Gd,g) if and only if A(1k,d,g)Λ(Gd,g). Therefore,


where 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐠1,,𝐠π(k)𝒢𝐝, 𝐠=(𝐠1,,𝐠ξ(1k,𝐝)), and 𝐠=(𝐠1,,𝐠π(k)).

Remark 3.10.

Let G1k,d=Gd and 𝒢1k,d=𝒢d for each (1k,d)E. Then ((Ge,𝒢e)eE) is a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Furthermore, this family is pseudo-free with respect to if and only if the family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟.

By Remark 3.10, we can use both D and E as an index set for the family Γ when studying or using its pseudo-freeness. The advantage of using E is that it is the union of the pairwise disjoint family (suppkkK) satisfying the requirements of Definition 2.9. Therefore E is suitable for indexing families of p-ary hash functions. But we use D (except in the proof of Theorem 4.12) because we prefer to separate Γ from the probability ensemble 𝒟.

Remark 3.11.

Let ρ:D{0} be a polynomial parameter. It is obvious that Γρ=((Gdρ(d),𝒢dρ(d))dD) is a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Moreover, if the family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟, then the family Γρ is also pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟. Indeed, suppose π is a polynomial and A is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm. Let B be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input (1k,d,g) for every kK, dsupp𝒟k, and g=(g1,,gπ(k))Gdπ(k) as follows:

  1. Choose gi,j𝒢d for all i{1,,π(k)} and j{2,,ρ(d)}.

  2. Invoke A on input (1k,d,(v1,,vπ(k))), where vi=(gi,gi,2,,gi,ρ(d)) for any i{1,,π(k)}.

  3. Return the output of A (if it exists).

It is evident that Λ(Gdρ(d),(v1,,vπ(k)))Λ(Gd,g). Therefore,


where 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐯(𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝))π(k), and 𝐠𝒢𝐝π(k).

4 Necessary and sufficient conditions for pseudo-freeness and for the existence of pseudo-free families

4.1 The functions knG,g, the families KnΓρ, and the probability ensembles 𝒟,Γρ

Let G be an elementary abelian p-group and let g=(g1,,gm)Gm, where m. Then we define the function knG,g:pmG by


for all y=(y1,,ym)pm. The function knG,g can be considered as a knapsack function (see [12]). But, unlike many other variants of knapsack functions and like discrete exponential functions, knG,g is a group homomorphism. Also, it is obvious that, given dD, gGdm, and ypm, knGd,g(y) can be computed in polynomial time.

Suppose ρ is a polynomial parameter on D. Then we denote by KnΓρ the family (knGd,gdD,gGdρ(d)). Of course, KnΓρ depends only on (GddD) and ρ. We use the notation with Γ and ρ because of its convenience. It is easy to see that KnΓρ is homomorphic and polynomial-time computable. Moreover, for any kK, let 𝒟,Γ,kρ be the distribution of (𝐝,𝐠), where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐠𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝). The probability ensemble (𝒟,Γ,kρkK) is denoted by 𝒟,Γρ. For brevity, we use (𝒰(pρ(d))dD) as a shorthand for (𝒰(pρ(d))dD,gGdρ(d)) when speaking of the one-wayness of KnΓρ with respect to 𝒟,Γρ and (𝒰(pρ(d))dD). This notation is used throughout the paper.

By the problem of inverting knGd,g we mean the problem of finding an element in knGd,g-1(f) when given (d,g,f), where dD, gGdm, and fknGd,g(pm) (m). The next three remarks show that this problem has some nice properties.

Remark 4.1.

Since knGd,g is a group homomorphism, the problem of inverting this function is random self-reducible. Namely, there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time oracle algorithm A such that for any dD, gGdm, fknGd,g(pm) (m), and any probabilistic oracle O, we have


where 𝐲𝒰(pm). This means that if O returns a preimage of knGd,g(𝐲) under knGd,g with some probability δ(d,g), then AO computes a preimage of any fknGd,g(pm) under knGd,g with the same probability δ(d,g). A similar result for the discrete logarithm problem is well known.

The required algorithm A is similar to the algorithm in [10, Lecture 4] for the discrete logarithm problem. The algorithm A proceeds on input (d,g,f), where d, g, and f are as above, as follows:

  1. Choose u𝒰(pm).

  2. Query the oracle on f+knGd,g(u). If the oracle returns a tuple zpm, then return z-u (computed in pm). Otherwise, the algorithm A fails.

The above result follows from the obvious fact that if f=knGd,g(y) for some ypm and 𝐮𝒰(pm), then f+knGd,g(𝐮)=knGd,g(y+𝐮), where y+𝐮 is distributed uniformly on pm.

Remark 4.2.

The problem of inverting knGd,g is self-reducible in the following sense. For every dD, let Od be an oracle that on input (b,h)Gdn×Gd (n) returns 1 if hknGd,b(pn) and 0 otherwise. Then there exists a deterministic polynomial-time oracle algorithm A such that AOd(d,g,f)knGd,g-1(f) for all dD, gGdm, and fknGd,g(pm) (m). This fact seems to be well known (even for knapsack functions with polynomially bounded input coefficients; such knapsack functions are considered in [12]). But we provide a proof of it (for knGd,g) for completeness and for the convenience of the reader.

Let d, g=(g1,,gm), and f be as above. The required algorithm A on input (d,g,f) successively finds (by exhaustive search and using the oracle Od) some elements y1,,ymp such that


for all i{1,,m}. Then the algorithm A returns y=(y1,,ym). By construction, we have knGd,g(y)=f. It is easy to see that such elements y1,,ym exist.

Remark 4.3.

There exists a deterministic polynomial-time oracle algorithm A such that for any dD, g=(g1,,gm)Gdm, fknGd,g(pm) (m), and any basis b of Gd, we have AknGd,b-1(d,g,f)knGd,g-1(f). (It is evident that if b=(b1,,bn)Gdn is a basis of Gd, then knGd,b is a group isomorphism from pn to Gd.) Namely, the algorithm A on input (d,g,f) (where d, g, and f are as above) returns a solution (y1,,ym)pm to the system of linear equations y1knGd,b-1(g1)++ymknGd,b-1(gm)=knGd,b-1(f). In particular, this implies the following fact: If β is a polynomial-time computable function on D such that β(d) is a basis of Gd for all dD, then the problem of inverting knGd,g is Cook-reducible to its special case when g=β(d).

The problem of inverting knGd,g might be of independent interest. One of the purposes of this paper is to draw attention to this problem. See also Problem 5.4 below.

4.2 Auxiliary results

The proof of the next lemma is similar to that of [9, Theorem 2.2].

Lemma 4.4.

Suppose ρ is a polynomial parameter on D such that the family KnΓρ is one-way with respect to ID,Γρ and (U(Zpρ(d))dD). For every kK, let dDk, g1,,gρ(d),hGd, u1,,uρ(d),vU(Gd), yU(Zpρ(d)), g=(g1,,gρ(d)), and u=(u1,,uρ(d)). Assume that

(4.1)((𝐝,𝐠,𝐡)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐮,𝐯)kK) are computationally indistinguishable.

Then the probability ensembles ((d,g,knGd,g(y))kK) and ((d,g,h)kK) are computationally indistinguishable.


Suppose (𝐞kkK) and (𝐟kkK) are probability ensembles consisting of random variables taking values in {0,1}*. For brevity, we write 𝐞k𝐟k if these probability ensembles are computationally indistinguishable.

Let 𝐳𝒰(pρ(𝐝)) and 𝐭𝒰(p). Then (4.1) and Lemma 2.8 imply that


Suppose A is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm. Let B be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input (1k,d,u,v,f,z,t) for every kK, dsupp𝒟k, u=(u1,,uρ(d))Gdρ(d), vGd, fknGd,u(pρ(d)), z=(z1,,zρ(d))pρ(d), and tp as follows:

  1. For all i{1,,ρ(d)}, compute ui=ui+ziv.

  2. Invoke A on input (1k,d,u,f+tv), where u=(u1,,uρ(d)).

  3. Return the output of A (if it exists).

It is evident that if f=knGd,u(y), where ypρ(d), then f+tv=knGd,u(y)+(t-yz𝖳)v.

Let 𝐮i=𝐮i+𝐳i𝐯 for all i{1,,ρ(𝐝)} and 𝐮=(𝐮1,,𝐮ρ(𝐝)). It is easy to see that the random variable (𝐝,𝐮,𝐲) has the same distribution as (𝐝,𝐮,𝐲). Therefore,


Furthermore, conditioned on 𝐭𝐲𝐳𝖳, the random variables (𝐝,𝐮,knG𝐝,𝐮(𝐲)+(𝐭-𝐲𝐳𝖳)𝐯) and (𝐝,𝐮,𝐯) are identically distributed. Hence,


It follows from (4.2)–(4.4) that




On the other hand, (4.1) implies that (𝐝,𝐠,knG𝐝,𝐠(𝐲))(𝐝,𝐮,knG𝐝,𝐮(𝐲)) and (𝐝,𝐮,𝐯)(𝐝,𝐠,𝐡). Thus, (𝐝,𝐠,knG𝐝,𝐠(𝐲))(𝐝,𝐠,𝐡). ∎

Note that Lemma 4.4 is very close to a special case of [12, Corollary 1]. We provide a proof of Lemma 4.4 for completeness and for the convenience of the reader.

Remark 4.5.

For every kK, let 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐡𝒢𝐝, and 𝐯𝒰(G𝐝), as in Lemma 4.4. By Remark 2.4 (with σ of the second type given in Example 2.3), if (𝒰(Gd)dD) is polynomial-time samplable and ((𝐝,𝐡)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐯)kK) are computationally indistinguishable, then condition (4.1) holds for any polynomial parameter ρ on D. Moreover, if maxdsupp𝒟kΔ(𝒢d,𝒰(Gd))=negl(k), then it is easy to see that the statistical distance between the distributions of (𝐝,𝐠,𝐡) and (𝐝,𝐮,𝐯) (in the notation of Lemma 4.4) is negligible as a function of kK. Therefore in this case condition (4.1) also holds for any polynomial parameter ρ on D.

Lemma 4.6.

Assume that the family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to D. Then for any polynomial parameter ρ on D, the family KnΓρ is collision-intractable with respect to ID,Γρ.


Suppose ρ is a polynomial parameter on D and A is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm. Let B be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input (1k,d,g) for every kK, dsupp𝒟k, and gGdρ(d) as follows:

  1. Invoke A on input (1k,d,g).

  2. If A returns a pair (y,y)pρ(d)×pρ(d), then return y-y (computed in pρ(d)). Otherwise, the algorithm B fails.

It is evident that B(1k,d,g)Λ(Gd,g) if and only if A(1k,d,g) is a collision for knGd,g. This implies that

Pr[A(1k,𝐝,𝐠) is a collision for knG𝐝,𝐠]=Pr[B(1k,𝐝,𝐠)Λ(G𝐝,𝐠)]=negl(k),

where 𝐝𝒟k and 𝐠𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝). Here the second probability is negligible by Remark 3.9 with Ξ being the set of all polynomial parameters on E. We apply the modification (according to Remark 3.9) of the condition defined in Remark 3.8 to the polynomial parameter (1k,d)ρ(d) on E (see the second type of polynomial parameters given in Example 2.3). ∎

Lemma 4.7.

Let ((Hd,Hd)dD) be a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Also, suppose Φ=(ϕd:HdGddD) is a family of functions such that the following conditions hold:

  1. For any dD, ϕd is a homomorphism.

  2. The family Φ is one-way with respect to 𝒟 and (ddD).

  3. For 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐠𝒢𝐝, and 𝐡𝐝, the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐠)kK) and ((𝐝,ϕ𝐝(𝐡))kK) are computationally indistinguishable.

Then the family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to D.


Suppose π:K{pll} is a polynomial parameter and A is a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm. Let B be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that proceeds on input (1k,d,f) for every kK, dsupp𝒟k, and fϕd(Hd) as follows:

  1. Choose i𝒰({1,,π(k)}) and r1,,ri-1,ri+1,,rπ(k)d.

  2. Invoke A on input (1k,d,w), where w=(ϕd(r1),,ϕd(ri-1),f,ϕd(ri+1),,ϕd(rπ(k))).

  3. If A returns a tuple (z1,,zπ(k))pπ(k), where zi0, then return


    (of course, zi-1 is computed in the field p). Otherwise, the algorithm B fails.

Let kK, 𝐢𝒰({1,,π(k)}), 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐫1,,𝐫π(k),𝐡𝐝, 𝐯𝒢𝐝π(k), and


It is evident that B(1k,d,f)ϕd-1(f) if and only if A(1k,d,w)=(z1,,zπ(k))Λ(Gd,w), where zi0. This implies that


Denote by ν(v) the number of random elements of p used by the algorithm A on input v. Let 𝐬𝒰(pν(1k,𝐝,𝐰)) represent the sequence of random elements of p used by A on input (1k,𝐝,𝐰). It is easy to see that the random variables (𝐝,𝐰,𝐬) and 𝐢 are independent. Therefore,


By Remark 2.4 (with σ of the first type given in Example 2.3), the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐯)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐰)kK) are computationally indistinguishable. (It is obvious that (𝐝,(ϕ𝐝(𝐫1),,ϕ𝐝(𝐫π(k)))) and (𝐝,𝐰) are identically distributed.) Hence,


It follows from (4.5)–(4.7) that


By Remark 3.9, Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟. Here we use this remark with Ξ being the set of all functions ξ:E such that there exists a polynomial parameter ξ:K{pll} satisfying


for all (1k,d)E. ∎

The next corollary follows from Remark 3.3 and Lemma 4.7.

Corollary 4.8.

Let ((Hd,Hd)dD) be a family of computational elementary abelian p-groups. Also, suppose (ϕd:Hd{0,1}*dD) is a homomorphic family of functions that is one-way with respect to D and (HddD). Then ((ϕd(Hd),ϕd(Hd))dD) is a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups with respect to D, where ϕd(Hd) is considered as an elementary abelian p-group under the operation d defined in condition (i) of Definition 2.1.

Remark 4.9.

Corollary 4.8 can be considered as a tool for constructing pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. For example, assume that there exist a family ((Hd,d)dD) of computational elementary abelian p-groups and a family Φ=(ϕd:Hd{0,1}*dD) of functions such that the following conditions hold:

  1. Φ is one-way with respect to 𝒟 and (ddD).

  2. For any dD, ϕd is one-to-one. (Hence, Φ satisfies condition (i) of Definition 2.1.)

  3. There exists a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that, given dD and v,wϕd(Hd), computes ϕd(ϕd-1(v)+ϕd-1(w)). (Hence by Remark 3.3, Φ satisfies condition (ii) of Definition 2.1.)

Then Corollary 4.8 enables us to construct a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups with respect to 𝒟. Moreover, we can conjecture that a family Φ satisfying the above conditions exists even in the case when Hd=pρ(d) and d=𝒰(pρ(d)) for all dD, where ρ is an appropriate polynomial parameter on D.

Lemma 4.10.

Suppose there exists a polynomial parameter ρ on D such that the following two conditions hold:

  1. The family KnΓρ is one-way with respect to 𝒟,Γρ and (𝒰(pρ(d))dD).

  2. For 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐠𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝)+1, and 𝐮𝒰(G𝐝)ρ(𝐝)+1, the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐠)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐮)kK) are computationally indistinguishable. (This condition is obviously equivalent to condition (4.1) in Lemma 4.4.)

Then the family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to D.


Let ρ be a polynomial parameter on D such that the above two conditions hold. By Lemma 4.4, for 𝐝𝒟k (where kK), 𝐠𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝), 𝐡𝒢𝐝, and 𝐲𝒰(pρ(𝐝)), the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐠,𝐡)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐠,knG𝐝,𝐠(𝐲))kK) are computationally indistinguishable. Furthermore, Lemma 4.7 implies that the family


of computational elementary abelian p-groups is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟,Γρ. But it is easy to see that Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟,Γρ if and only if Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟. ∎

4.3 Putting it all together

Theorem 4.11.

Let Θ be the set of all polynomial parameters θ:DN such that pθ(d)>|Gd| for all sufficiently large kK and all dsuppDk. Assume that at least one of the following two conditions (from Remark 4.5) holds:

  1. (𝒰(Gd)dD) is polynomial-time samplable and for 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐡𝒢𝐝, and 𝐯𝒰(G𝐝), the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐡)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐯)kK) are computationally indistinguishable.

  2. maxdsupp𝒟kΔ(𝒢d,𝒰(Gd))=negl(k).

Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. The family Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟.

  2. For any polynomial parameter ρ on D, the family KnΓρ is collision-intractable with respect to 𝒟,Γρ.

  3. For any polynomial parameter θΘ, the family KnΓθ is collision-intractable with respect to 𝒟,Γθ.

  4. There exists a polynomial parameter θΘ such that the family KnΓθ is collision-intractable with respect to 𝒟,Γθ.

  5. For any polynomial parameter θΘ, the family KnΓθ is one-way with respect to 𝒟,Γθ and (𝒰(pθ(d))dD).

  6. There exists a polynomial parameter θΘ such that the family KnΓθ is one-way with respect to 𝒟,Γθ and (𝒰(pθ(d))dD).


The implication (i)(ii) follows from Lemma 4.6, (ii)(iii) is trivial, and (iii)(iv) is also trivial (because Θ). Both (iii)(v) and (iv)(vi) follow from Lemma 2.7. The implication (v)(vi) is trivial (because Θ), and (vi)(i) follows from Remark 4.5 and Lemma 4.10. ∎

Theorem 4.12.

The following conditions are equivalent:

  1. There exists a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups (with respect to some probability ensemble of the required form).

  2. For any polynomial parameter η: such that η(n)>n for all n, there exist a pairwise disjoint family (IkkK) (consisting of nonempty subsets of {0,1}*) satisfying the requirements of Definition 2.9 and a homomorphic collision-intractable (with respect to some polynomial-time samplable probability ensemble (kkK) satisfying suppkIk for all kK) family (χi:pη(τ(κ(i)))pτ(κ(i))iI) of p-ary hash functions, where I=kKIk, κ:IK is from Definition 2.9, and τ is a polynomial parameter on K.

  3. There exist a pairwise disjoint family (IkkK) (consisting of nonempty subsets of {0,1}*) satisfying the requirements of Definition 2.9 and a homomorphic collision-intractable (with respect to some polynomial-time samplable probability ensemble (kkK) satisfying suppkIk for all kK) family of p-ary hash functions indexed by kKIk.

  4. There exists a homomorphic family (ϕu:pρ(u){0,1}*uU) of functions (where U is a subset of {0,1}* and ρ is a polynomial parameter on U) that is one-way with respect to some probability ensemble of the required form and the probability ensemble (𝒰(pρ(u))uU).

  5. There exist a set V{0,1}*, a family ((Hv,𝒰(Hv))vV) of computational elementary abelian p-groups, and a homomorphic family (ψv:Hv{0,1}*vV) of functions that is one-way with respect to some probability ensemble of the required form and the probability ensemble (𝒰(Hv)vV).

  6. There exists a pseudo-free family ((Aw,𝒰(Aw))wW) of computational elementary abelian p-groups (with respect to some probability ensemble of the required form), where W is a subset of {0,1}*.


(i)(ii) For any n, let αn be the one-to-one function from {0,1}n onto {0,1}n+1{0n+1} defined by αn(u)=u10n-|u| for all u{0,1}n. Then the functions (1n,u)αn(u) and (1n,v)αn-1(v), where n, u{0,1}n, and v{0,1}n+1{0n+1}, are polynomial-time computable.

Assume that Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟. Choose a polynomial π such that Gd{0,1}π(k) for every kK and dsupp𝒟k. For each such k and d, let


Consider G¯1k,d as an elementary abelian p-group under the unique operation such that the restriction of απ(k) to Gd is a group isomorphism from Gd to G¯1k,d. Remark 3.10 implies that Γ¯=((G¯e,𝒢¯e)eE) is a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups with respect to . Suppose ρ is the polynomial parameter on E such that ρ(1k,d)=η(π(k)+1) for any (1k,d)E. Then ({(e,w)esuppk,wG¯eρ(e)}kK) and KnΓ¯ρ satisfy the requirements of condition (ii) (KnΓ¯ρ is collision-intractable with respect to ,Γ¯ρ by Lemma 4.6).

The implications (ii)(iii), (iv)(v) and (vi)(i) are trivial.

The implication (iii)(iv) follows from Lemma 2.7, and (v)(vi) follows from Corollary 4.8 and the well-known fact that if ψ:HG is a group homomorphism, where H is finite, then ψ(𝒰(H))=𝒰(ψ(H)). ∎

4.4 A Diffie–Hellman-like key agreement protocol

In this subsection, we construct a Diffie–Hellman-like key agreement protocol from the family Γ of computational elementary abelian p-groups. To describe this protocol, we need some notation. Let Y=(yi,j)ps×m and Q=(qi,j)Gm×n, where s,m,n and G is an elementary abelian p-group. Then it is natural to define YQ as the s×n matrix over G whose (i,j) entry is l=1myi,lql,j. We can consider G as a right vector space over the field p such that qz=zq for all qG and zp. Hence for any Z=(zi,j)pn×t (where t), QZ is naturally defined as the m×t matrix over G whose (i,j) entry is l=1nqi,lzl,j. It is easy to see that (YQ)Z=Y(QZ). Note that in this notation,


for all ypm and gGm.

The protocol uses a polynomial parameter ρ:D{0}. The public parameters of the protocol are kK (the security parameter), d𝒟k, and Q𝒢dρ(d)×ρ(d). We assume that the parties of the protocol (traditionally called Alice and Bob) communicate over a channel providing sender authenticity and message integrity. The protocol proceeds as follows:

  1. Alice chooses y𝒰(pρ(d)), computes yQ, and sends yQ to Bob.

  2. Bob chooses z𝒰(pρ(d)), computes Qz𝖳, and sends Qz𝖳 to Alice.

  3. Alice computes the common secret key y(Qz𝖳).

  4. Bob computes the common secret key (yQ)z𝖳.

For any kK, let 𝐝𝒟k, 𝐐𝒢𝐝ρ(𝐝)×ρ(𝐝), 𝐲,𝐳𝒰(pρ(𝐝)), and 𝐮𝒰(G𝐝). Standard security requirements for this protocol are as follows:

  1. For any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A,


    This condition is similar to the condition of computational hardness of the computational Diffie–Hellman problem.

  2. The probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐐,𝐲𝐐,𝐐𝐳𝖳,𝐲𝐐𝐳𝖳)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐐,𝐲𝐐,𝐐𝐳𝖳,𝐮)kK) are computationally indistinguishable. This condition is similar to the condition of computational hardness of the decisional Diffie–Hellman problem.

It is easy to prove the following results:

  1. If the expectation of 1/|G𝐝| is negligible as a function of kK, then (ii) implies (i).

  2. Let Γρ=((Gdρ(d),𝒢dρ(d))dD), as in Remark 3.11. Then (i) implies that the family KnΓρρ is one-way with respect to 𝒟,Γρρ and (𝒰(pρ(d))dD). (We identify a matrix with the tuple of its rows.)

Moreover, we have the following facts:

  1. Let 𝐐𝒢𝐝(ρ(𝐝)+1)×ρ(𝐝) and 𝐔𝒰(G𝐝)(ρ(𝐝)+1)×ρ(𝐝). Assume that the probability ensembles ((𝐝,𝐐)kK) and ((𝐝,𝐔)kK) are computationally indistinguishable. Then, by Lemma 4.10, one-wayness of KnΓρρ with respect to 𝒟,Γρρ and (𝒰(pρ(d))dD) implies pseudo-freeness of Γρ with respect to 𝒟.

  2. Recall that if Γ is pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟, then Γρ is also pseudo-free with respect to 𝒟 (see Remark 3.11).

Unfortunately, we do not know whether (i) or (ii) holds under reasonable assumptions on Γ and ρ (e.g., under the one-wayness of KnΓρρ with respect to 𝒟,Γρρ and (𝒰(pρ(d))dD) or the pseudo-freeness of Γ with respect to 𝒟). We leave this as an interesting open question. See also Problem 5.3 below.

5 Problems for further research

In this section, we suggest some problems concerning families of computational elementary abelian p-groups for further research. Note that similar problems for some other objects were already posed. For example, see [8, Section 6.1, Problem 2], [11, Section 5], [13, Section 7, Conjecture 2], and [14, Slide 22] for natural analogues of Problems 5.15.3 for pseudo-free families in the varieties of all groups and all abelian groups. Analogues of Problem 5.4 for numerous candidates for one-way families of functions are well known.

Problem 5.1.

Construct a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups (with respect to a probability ensemble of the required form) under some standard cryptographic assumptions (e.g., under the general integer factoring intractability assumption).

Corollary 4.8 enables us to construct a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups under some nonstandard cryptographic assumption. See also Remark 4.9 and Theorem 4.12.

Problem 5.2.

Find applications of pseudo-free families of computational elementary abelian p-groups. For example, construct some cryptographic primitives or secure cryptographic protocols from an arbitrary pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups.

The proof of the implication (i)(ii) of Theorem 4.12 shows how to construct a homomorphic collision-intractable family of p-ary hash functions (that is also one-way by Lemma 2.7) from a pseudo-free family of computational elementary abelian p-groups.

Problem 5.3.

Explore the security of the Diffie–Hellman-like key agreement protocol presented in Section 4.4 (under reasonable assumptions on the family Γ and the polynomial parameter ρ).

Of course, Problem 5.3 is connected with Problem 5.2. Note that the results presented in Section 4.4 give only necessary conditions for the security of the protocol. Hasegawa, Isobe, Shizuya and Tashiro [7, Theorem 6] proved that the computational Diffie–Hellman problem in a pseudo-free family (satisfying some additional condition) is in some sense computationally hard. Their proof is valid for pseudo-free families in any variety of infinite exponent, provided that, given an integer n2, a representation of the equation x1n=a1 can be computed in polynomial time. (Here we use the notation of Section 1.) Informally speaking, the proof of this result in [7] is based on a reduction from the proper power problem (also known as the strong RSA problem, see [13, Section 4]) to the computational Diffie–Hellman problem. Since the proper power problem is computationally hard in any pseudo-free family (see [13, Theorem 4] or [14, Slide 19]), the computational Diffie–Hellman problem in every such family is computationally hard, too. In fact, the reduction used in [7] was proposed by Azimian in [2] and goes back to the work of Shmuely [15].

Problem 5.4.

Explore the cryptographic properties of families of functions knGd,g (where dD, gGdm, and m) for suitable families Γ of computational elementary abelian p-groups. The properties of the problem of inverting knGd,g are particularly interesting.

Theorem 4.11 shows that Problem 5.4 is connected with Problem 5.1. See Section 4.1 for some remarks concerning the problem of inverting knGd,g.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 13-01-00183

Funding statement: This research was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (13-01-00183).


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Received: 2015-11-29
Published Online: 2017-4-19
Published in Print: 2017-5-1

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