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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 19, 2017

Log-space conjugacy problem in the Grigorchuk group

  • Alexei Miasnikov and Svetla Vassileva EMAIL logo


In this paper we prove that the conjugacy problem in the Grigorchuk group Γ has log-space complexity.

MSC 2010: 20F10; 68Q17

A Appendix

The proof of Proposition 5 follows that given in [10], but the goal in this case is to estimate the height of the tree and not its overall size.


In order to estimate the height of the tree Tu,v, we will establish a quantity which decreases with every step of the algorithm. Since the algorithm branches, one such natural quantity is a norm on words representing elements of Γ.

Let γa,γb,γc,γd be positive real values. We define the norm of a reduced word w to be


Observe that the reduced length, |w|, of a word is a special case of a norm with


It is easy to see that, for any two words u,v, the norm satisfies

  1. uv=u+v,

  2. red(u)u, provided that γb,γc,γd satisfy the triangle inequality.

By choosing the specific values


(as combinations of the root of unity of the polynomial 2x3-x2-x-1) the authors of [10] prove the following properties of the corresponding norm .

Proposition 6 ([10]).

Let wR and, for i=0,1, denote

wi={red(ϕi(w))if wStΓ(1),red(ϕi(wa))if wStΓ(1).

Then the following statements hold:

  1. 12|w|w2|w|,

  2. if w9, then ww0+w11.03,

  3. if w200, then ww0+w11.22.

Lemma 7 ([10]).

Let u,vR be such that u,v9. Then the size of Tu,v is not greater than 42.

Using these facts about the norm, we can now proceed to prove the proposition.

Consider an arbitrary branch (u0,v0),,(uk,vk) of Tu,v, starting at the root (u,v). By Proposition 6,

  1. there exists an slog1.22(2|u|,2|v|) such that us,vs200,

  2. there exists an tlog1.03200<180 such that us+t,vs+t<9.

Moreover, since the size of Tus+t,vs+t is bounded by 42 (Lemma 7), which is a constant, we will use the same estimate for the height of Tus+t,vs+t. It is easy to see that the height, h, of T(u,v) is bounded by



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Received: 2016-10-26
Published Online: 2017-4-19
Published in Print: 2017-5-1

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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