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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 31, 2019

Development of a Mathematics On-line Project in Engineering Education

  • Filomena Soares EMAIL logo , Ana Paula Lopes , Anna Cellmer , Anne Uukkivi , Carolina Rebollar , Concepcion Varela , Cristina Feniser , Elena Safiulina , Eugenio Bravo , Gerald Kelly , Javier Bilbao , Joanna Cymerman , Ken Brown , Marina Latõnina , Oksana Labanova , Olatz Garcia and Vlad Bocanet
From the journal Open Education Studies


Embracing tertiary education system represents the beginning of a transition and adjustment period for several students. Most of these have just finished high school where the environment is strictly defined, controlled, stable and attendance is mandatory. Higher Education changes the role of students’ responsibility and this can cause stress and difficulty in the transition to self-directed learning and autonomy promotion. The purpose of this paper is to present an Erasmus+ project that brought together six Higher Education Institutions from different European countries and to describe its current stage. This project aims to develop a shared understanding of engineering mathematics at an early stage of tertiary education and to raise awareness of cultural, professional and educational issues. The initial focus of the work is on the partners’ mutual interest in active learning, particularly the application of Information and Communication Technology in the field of engineering education. When finalised, the project hopes to provide students with a new authentic engineering mathematics subject which meets their needs. This is also the core reason why the on-line course will be composed using innovative pedagogics and ICT tools, as appropriate pedagogics supports students’ procedural, conceptual and application understanding in mathematics and enhances digital competencies, literacy and skills.


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Received: 2019-10-23
Accepted: 2019-12-20
Published Online: 2019-12-31

© 2019 Filomena Soares et al., published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Public License.

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