New non-volatile memory (e.g., phase-change memory) provides fast access, large capacity, byte-addressability, and non-volatility features. These features, fast-byte-persistency, will bring new opportunities to fault tolerance. We propose a fine-grained checkpoint based on non-volatile memory. We extend the current virtual memory manager to manage non-volatile memory, and design a persistent heap with support for fast allocation and checkpointing of persistent objects. To achieve a fine-grained checkpoint, we scatter objects across virtual pages and rely on hardware page-protection to monitor the modifications. In our system, two objects in different virtual pages may reside on the same physical page. Modifying one object would not interfere with the other object. This allows us to monitor and checkpoint objects smaller than 4096 bytes in a fine-grained way. Compared with previous page-grained based checkpoint mechanisms, our new checkpoint method can greatly reduce the data copied at checkpoint time and better leverage the limited bandwidth of non-volatile memory.
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Zhang, Wz., Lu, K., Luján, M. et al. Fine-grained checkpoint based on non-volatile memory. Frontiers Inf Technol Electronic Eng 18, 220–234 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1500352
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1500352