To simplify the process for identifying 12 types of symmetric variables in Boolean functions, we propose a new symmetry detection algorithm based on minterm expansion or the truth table. First, the order eigenvalue matrix based on a truth table is defined according to the symmetry definition of a logic variable. By analyzing the constraint conditions of the order eigenvalue matrix for 12 types of symmetric variables, an algorithm is proposed for identifying symmetric variables of the Boolean function. This algorithm can be applied to identify the symmetric variables of Boolean functions with or without don’t-care terms. The proposed method avoids the restriction by the number of logic variables of the graphical method, spectral coefficient methods, and AND-XOR expansion coefficient methods, and solves the problem of completeness in the fast compu-tation method. The algorithm has been implemented in C language and tested on MCNC91 benchmarks. The application results show that, compared with the traditional methods, the new algorithm is an optimal detection method in terms of the applicability of the number of logic variables, the Boolean function including don’t-care terms, detection type, and complexity of the identification process.
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Li, Xh., Shen, Jz. An algorithm for identifying symmetric variables based on the order eigenvalue matrix. Frontiers Inf Technol Electronic Eng 18, 1644–1653 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1601052
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1601052