Millimeter wave (mmWave) has been claimed as the viable solution for high-bandwidth vehicular communications in 5G and beyond. To realize applications in future vehicular communications, it is important to take a robust mmWave vehicular network into consideration. However, one challenge in such a network is that mmWave should provide an ultra-fast and high-rate data exchange among vehicles or vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). Moreover, traditional real-time channel estimation strategies are unavailable because vehicle mobility leads to a fast variation mmWave channel. To overcome these issues, a channel estimation approach for mmWave V2I communications is proposed in this paper. Specifically, by considering a fast-moving vehicle secnario, a corresponding mathematical model for a fast time-varying channel is first established. Then, the temporal variation rule between the base station and each mobile user and the determined direction-of-arrival are used to predict the time-varying channel prior information (PI). Finally, by exploiting the PI and the characteristics of the channel, the time-varying channel is estimated. The simulation results show that the scheme in this paper outperforms traditional ones in both normalized mean square error and sum-rate performance in the mmWave time-varying vehicular system.
毫米波 (mmWave) 被认为是5G及后5G高带宽车载通信的可行解决方案. 为实现在未来车辆通信中的应用, 鲁棒的毫米波车载网络非常重要. 然而, 一个挑战是, 毫米波应在车辆或车辆到基础设施 (V2I) 之间提供高速和超高速数据交换. 此外, 由于车辆的高速移动引起毫米波信道快速变化, 传统的实时信道估计方案难以实现. 针对这些问题, 提出一种毫米波V2I车辆通信信道估计方法. 首先考虑快速运动的车辆场景, 建立相应的快速时变信道数学模型. 然后, 利用基站与每个移动用户之间的时间变化规律和确定的到达方向, 预测时变信道先验信息 (PI). 最后, 利用PI和信道特性对时变信道进行估计. 仿真结果表明, 在毫米波时变车载通信系统中, 该方案在归一化均方误差和和率性能上均优于传统方案.
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Zhao YI designed the research. Zhao YI, Weixia ZOU, and Xuebin SUN processed the data. Zhao YI drafted the manuscript. Weixia ZOU and Xuebin SUN helped organize the manuscript. Zhao YI, Weixia ZOU, and Xuebin SUN revised and finalized the paper.
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Zhao YI, Weixia ZOU, and Xuebin SUN declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Yi, Z., Zou, W. & Sun, X. Prior information based channel estimation for millimeter-wave massive MIMO vehicular communications in 5G and beyond. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 22, 777–789 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000515
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2000515
Key words
- Massive multiple-input multiple-output
- Millimeter wave
- Channel estimation
- Vehicular communication
- Time-varying