When multiple central processing unit (CPU) cores and integrated graphics processing units (GPUs) share off-chip main memory, CPU and GPU applications compete for the critical memory resource. This causes serious resource competition and has a negative impact on the overall performance of the system. We describe the competition for shared-memory resources in a CPU-GPU heterogeneous multi-core architecture, and a shared-memory request scheduling strategy based on perceptual and predictive batch-processing is proposed. By sensing the CPU and GPU memory request conditions in the request buffer, the proposed scheduling strategy estimates the GPU latency tolerance and reduces mutual interference between CPU and GPU by processing CPU or GPU memory requests in batches. According to the simulation results, the scheduling strategy improves CPU performance by 8.53% and reduces mutual interference by 10.38% with low hardware complexity.
当多个处理器(CPU)核心和集成图形处理器(GPU)共享片外主存时, CPU和GPU应用程序会竞争关键内存资源, 导致严重的资源竞争, 并对系统整体性能产生负面影响. 本文描述了CPU-GPU异构多核架构下共享内存资源的竞争情况, 提出一种基于感知和预测的批处理共享内存请求调度策略. 该策略通过感知请求缓冲区中CPU和GPU内存请求情况, 估计GPU延迟容忍度, 并通过批量处理CPU或GPU内存请求减少CPU和GPU之间的相互干扰. 实验结果表明, CPU性能提升8.53%, 相互干扰降低10.38%, 该调度策略具有较低硬件复杂度.
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The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in PARSEC3.0 at https://parsec.cs.princeton.edu/parsec3-doc.htm.
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Juan FANG and Sheng LIN designed the research. Sheng LIN and Yixiang XU processed the data. Sheng LIN, Huijing YANG, and Xing SU drafted the paper. Juan FANG and Xing SU helped organize the paper. Sheng LIN and Xing SU revised and finalized the paper.
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Juan FANG, Sheng LIN, Huijing YANG, Yixiang XU, and Xing SU declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 62276011 and 61202076) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (No. 4192007)
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Fang, J., Lin, S., Yang, H. et al. A perceptual and predictive batch-processing memory scheduling strategy for a CPU-GPU heterogeneous system. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 24, 994–1006 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200449
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200449