精确的、与波长相关的相位调制在许多领域中是必不可少的, 比如超分辨成像、全彩色全息、微纳加工以及光通讯。这一要求很难通过单一的传统光学元件实现, 一般需要使用多个光学元件组合完成。本文提出一种可以实现波长选择性波前整形的超表面设计方法。具体来说, 本文设计了一种超表面, 它能够对785 nm波长的光做涡旋相位调制, 同时不影响590 nm波长的光保持原有相位分布。本文通过干涉仪以及对应点扩散函数的测量来验证不同波长下的波前分布。与已提出的空间复用方式以及色散工程的方法相比, 我们提出的设计方法更加直接, 优化难度小, 适用于需要波长选择性编码的光学系统。本文所提平面光学器件对于需要波长选择性编码的光学系统具有重要应用意义。
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We thank the Westlake Center for Micro/Nano Fabrication for facility support and technical assistance.
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Project supported by the “Leading Goose” Research and Development Program of Zhejiang Province, China (No. 2022C01077), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFA0701400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 92050115), the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. LZ21F050003), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (No. 226-2022-00137), and the Zhejiang Postdoctoral Science Fund for Excellent Project (No. 511300-X82101)
Zixin CAI, Xin HE, Xu LIU, and Xiang HAO designed the research. Zixin CAI and Xin HE processed the data, performed the theoretical analysis and the measurement of the sample, and drafted the paper. Aditya DUBEY, Arnan MITCHELL, and Guanghui REN fabricated the samples. Xin LIU, Shijie TU, Xinjie SUN, and Paul BECKETT helped organize the paper. Zixin CAI, Xin HE, and Xiang HAO revised and finalized the paper.
Compliance with ethics guidelines
Zixin CAI, Xin HE, Xin LIU, Shijie TU, Xinjie SUN, Paul BECKETT, Aditya DUBEY, Arnan MITCHELL, Guanghui REN, Xu LIU, and Xiang HAO declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
List of supplementary materials
1 Fabrication of the metasurface
2 Phase characterization with Mach–Zehnder interferometer
3 Point spread function characterization system
Fig. S1 Scheme of the interferometric setup used to characterize the phase distribution of the modulated beam Fig. S2 Scheme of the point spread function characterization system