The problem of data right confirmation is a long-term bottleneck in data sharing. Existing methods for confirming data rights lack credibility owing to poor supervision, and work only with specific data types because of their technical limitations. The emergence of blockchain is followed by some new data-sharing models that may provide improved data security. However, few of these models perform well enough in confirming data rights because the data access could not be fully under the control of the blockchain facility. In view of this, we propose a right-confirmable data-sharing model named RCDS that features symbol mapping coding (SMC) and blockchain. With SMC, each party encodes its digital identity into the byte sequence of the shared data by generating a unique symbol mapping table, whereby declaration of data rights can be content-independent for any type and any volume of data. With blockchain, all data-sharing participants jointly supervise the delivery and the access to shared data, so that granting of data rights can be openly verified. The evaluation results show that RCDS is effective and practical in data-sharing applications that are conscientious about data right confirmation.
数据确权问题是数据共享中长期存在的瓶颈。现有数据确权方法由于缺乏有效监管手段可信度低, 且由于技术限制只能用于特定数据类型。随着区块链的出现, 一些新的数据共享模型有望提供更可靠的数据安全性。然而, 因为数据访问不能完全处于区块链设施的控制下, 这些模型在数据确权方面的能力不足。提出一种名为RCDS以符号映射编码(SMC)和区块链为特征的可确权数据共享模型。通过SMC, 数据共享各方通过生成符号映射表将其数字身份嵌入被共享数据字节序列中, 从而使数据权利的声明与数据类型和数据量无关。通过区块链, 所有数据共享方共同监督数据的交付和访问, 从而可公开验证数据权利的授予。评价结果表明, RCDS在强调确权要求的数据共享应用中是有效且实用的。
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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Liang WANG designed the research. Shunjiu HUANG conducted the simulations and drafted the paper. Lina ZUO processed the data and helped organize the paper. Jun LI performed the formal analysis. Wenyuan LIU supervised the research. Liang WANG revised and finalized the paper.
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Liang WANG, Shunjiu HUANG, Lina ZUO, Jun LI, and Wenyuan LIU declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (No. F2023201032) and the S&T Program of Hebei Province, China (No. 20310105D)
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Wang, L., Huang, S., Zuo, L. et al. RCDS: a right-confirmable data-sharing model based on symbol mapping coding and blockchain. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 24, 1194–1213 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200659
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200659