Multi-access edge computing (MEC) presents computing services at the edge of networks to address the enormous processing requirements of intelligent applications. Due to the maneuverability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), they can be used as temporal aerial edge nodes for providing edge services to ground users in MEC. However, MEC environment is usually dynamic and complicated. It is a challenge for multiple UAVs to select appropriate service strategies. Besides, most of existing works study UAV-MEC with the assumption that the flight heights of UAVs are fixed; i.e., the flying is considered to occur with reference to a two-dimensional plane, which neglects the importance of the height. In this paper, with consideration of the co-channel interference, an optimization problem of energy efficiency is investigated to maximize the number of fulfilled tasks, where multiple UAVs in a three-dimensional space collaboratively fulfill the task computation of ground users. In the formulated problem, we try to obtain the optimal flight and sub-channel selection strategies for UAVs and schedule strategies for tasks. Based on the multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient (MADDPG) algorithm, we propose a curiosity-driven and twin-networks-structured MADDPG (CTMADDPG) algorithm to solve the formulated problem. It uses the inner reward to facilitate the state exploration of agents, avoiding convergence at the sub-optimal strategy. Furthermore, we adopt the twin critic networks for update stabilization to reduce the probability of Q value overestimation. The simulation results show that CTMADDPG is outstanding in maximizing the energy efficiency of the whole system and outperforms the other benchmarks.
针对智能应用算力处理需求, 多接入边缘计算 (multi-access edge computing, MEC) 在网络边缘为其提供计算服务. 无人机 (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) 具有良好机动性, 可在MEC中作为临时空中边缘节点为地面用户提供边缘服务. 然而, MEC环境复杂且动态可变, 如何为多台无人机制定合适的服务策略具有一定挑战. 此外, 现有很多UAV-MEC相关工作均假定无人机飞行高度固定, 即飞行在二维平面内, 忽略了飞行高度的重要性. 在同信道干扰存在的前提下, 本文通过优化能效实现任务完成量的最大化, 多台无人机在三维空间中共同协作为地面用户提供任务计算服务. 为实现能效优化目标, 最大化任务完成量并最小化飞行能耗, 须制定最优飞行策略、 子信道选择策略以及任务调度策略. 基于多智能体深度确定性策略梯度算法 (multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient, MADDPG), 本文提出好奇心驱动和双网络结构的多智能体深度确定性策略梯度算法 (curiosity-driven and twin-networks-structured MADDPG, CTMADDPG) 解决上述优化问题, 通过内部奖励促进智能体的状态探索, 避免收敛于次优策略. 同时, 利用双批评家网络降低Q值高估概率, 实现稳定更新. 仿真结果表明CTMADDPG算法在最大化整个系统能效方面表现突出, 优于其他基准测试算法.
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
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Authors and Affiliations
Yang LI and Ziling WEI designed the research. Yang LI processed the data. Yang LI and Jinshu SU drafted the paper. Baokang ZHAO helped organize the paper. Yang LI, Ziling WEI, Jinshu SU, and Baokang ZHAO revised and finalized the paper.
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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 62202486 and U22B2005)
List of supplementary materials
1 Preliminary details of the MADDPG algorithm
2 Flying actions in a 3D space
3 Details of the function \(K(o_{n}^{-t+1},f_{i})\)
4 Parameter setting
5 Training rewards with N = 3
6 Convergence rewards with N = 3
Fig. S1 Flying actions in a 3D space
Fig. S2 Training rewards of MIADDPG, MADDPG, and CTMADDPG with N = 3
Fig. S3 Reward results in different intensities Table S1 Summary of the key notations Table S2 Algorithm parameters Table S3 Simulation values
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Li, Y., Wei, Z., Su, J. et al. A multi-agent collaboration scheme for energy-efficient task scheduling in a 3D UAV-MEC space. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 25, 824–838 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300393
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300393
Key words
- Multi-access edge computing
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Task scheduling