Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format is extensively used for images in many practical applications due to its excellent compression ratio and satisfactory image quality. Considering compelling concerns about the invasion of privacy, this paper proposes an effective reversible data hiding scheme for encrypted JPEG bitstreams, to provide security and privacy for both secret messages and valuable carriers. First, a format-compatibility and file size preserving encryption algorithm is applied to encipher the plaintext JPEG image into a noise-like version. Then, we present an effective reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted JPEG bitstreams using adaptive RZL rotation, where the secret messages are concealed with the sequence of RZL pairs. When the authorized user receives the marked encrypted JPEG bitstreams, the error-free extraction of secret messages and the lossless recovery of the original plaintext JPEG image can be accomplished separately. Extensive experiments are conducted to show that, compared to some state-of-the-art schemes, the proposed scheme has a superior performance in terms of embedding capacity, while keeping file size preservation and format compatibility.
JPEG图像因具有出色的压缩比和图像品质被广泛应用于实际案例。考虑到人们对其隐私侵犯的担忧, 本文提出了一种有效的加密JPEG比特流可逆信息隐藏方案, 旨在为秘密消息和载体提供安全和隐私。首先, 采用一种具有格式兼容性和文件大小保留性的加密算法将明文JPEG图像加密为类噪声版本。然后, 构建一种基于自适应RZL旋转策略的加密JPEG比特流可逆数据隐藏技术, 该技术将秘密消息映射到有序的RZL对序列。授权用户可以从标记的加密JPEG比特流中实现无差错的秘密消息提取并无损恢复原始明文JPEG图像。大量实验表明, 与一些最先进的方案相比, 本文方案在嵌入容量方面具有较好性能, 同时兼具文件大小保留性和格式兼容性。
Data availability
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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Authors and Affiliations
Yongning GUO, Guodong SU, and Zhiqiang YAO designed the research. Yongning GUO and Guodong SU processed the data and drafted the paper. Zhiqiang YAO helped organize the paper. Yongning GUO, Guodong SU, and Wang ZHOU revised and finalized the paper.
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All the authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62272103), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Nos. 2021J011237, 2022J01971, 2022J01972, 2022J01974, and 2022J01975), and the Open Fund of Engineering Research Center for ICH Digitalization and Multi-Source Information Fusion (Fujian Polytechnic Normal University), China (Nos. G3-KF2202 and G3-KF2205)
List of supplementary materials
1 Security analysis and comparison
2 Performance of file size preservation under various QFs
3 Comparison of PSNR among different schemes
4 Comparison of payload and file size increment under various QFs
5 Comparison of features for different RDH schemes in the encrypted compressed domain
6 Computational complexity analysis and comparison Table S1 Key space for four typical JPEG images
Table S2 Statistical data for the four typical JPEG images
Table S3 Security comparison between the proposed scheme and other schemes
Table S4 Average payload and file size increment of our scheme and Hua et al. (2023)’s scheme on images from the BossBase dataset
Table S5 Comparison of features for different RDH schemes in encrypted compressed domain
Fig. S1 Visual effect for Lena and Baboon images when QF=85
Fig. S2 Sketch attack analysis for the proposed scheme
Fig. S3 Illustration of the relationships of file size between the entropy encoded data of the original JPEG bitstreams and those of the marked encrypted JPEG bitstreams under various datasets and QFs
Fig. S4 PSNR of the marked approximate JPEG images under various payloads when QF=85
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Guo, Y., Su, G., Yao, Z. et al. Reversible data hiding scheme for encrypted JPEG bitstreams using adaptive RZL rotation. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 25, 1353–1369 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300749
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300749
Key words
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
- Reversible data hiding
- Embedding capacity
- File size preservation
- Format compatibility