Industrial Internet, motivated by the deep integration of new-generation information and communication technology (ICT) and advanced manufacturing technology, will open up the production chain, value chain, and industry chain by establishing complete interconnections between humans, machines, and things. This will also help establish novel manufacturing and service modes, where personalized and customized production for differentiated services is a typical paradigm of future intelligent manufacturing. Thus, there is an urgent requirement to break through the existing chimney-like service mode provided by the hierarchical heterogeneous network architecture and establish a transparent channel for manufacturing and services using a flat network architecture. Starting from the basic concepts of process manufacturing and discrete manufacturing, we first analyze the basic requirements of typical manufacturing tasks. Then, with an overview on the developing process of industrial Internet, we systematically compare the current networking technologies and further analyze the problems of the present industrial Internet. On this basis, we propose to establish a novel “thin waist” that integrates sensing, communication, computing, and control for the future industrial Internet. Furthermore, we perform a deep analysis and engage in a discussion on the key challenges and future research issues regarding the multi-dimensional collaborative sensing of task–resource, the end-to-end deterministic communication of heterogeneous networks, and virtual computing and operation control of industrial Internet.
新一代信息通信技术与先进制造技术深度融合所催生的工业互联网, 通过“人、机、物”全要素互联, 将全方位打通生产链、价值链和产业链, 推动构建全新的制造和服务体系. 其中, 进行个性化定制生产, 实现差异化服务是未来制造的典型范式, 亟需突破现有分层异构工业网络所塑造的“烟囱式”服务架构, 打造扁平化的网络新体系, 构建制造与服务的透明通道. 本文从流程制造和离散制造的基本概念出发, 首先充分挖掘了典型制造任务的基本要求; 然后, 通过对工业互联网发展历程的概述, 系统介绍并比较了工业互联网的网络能力现状, 进一步分析了工业互联网的现存问题. 在此基础上, 提出建立“感知-通信-计算-控制”一体化的工业互联网“细腰”新架构. 进一步地, 深入分析讨论了所面临的核心挑战及未来研究方向, 包括工业互联网的业务-资源多维协同感知、异构融合网络端到端确定性通信、虚拟计算与运行控制.
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Chi XU summarized the literature and drafted the paper. Xi JIN, Changqing XIA, and Dong LI helped organize the paper. Chi XU, Peng ZENG, and Haibin YU finalized the paper.
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Xu, C., Yu, H., Jin, X. et al. Industrial Internet for intelligent manufacturing: past, present, and future. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 25, 1173–1192 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300806
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2300806