An algorithm is proposed for scheduling dependent tasks in time-varying heterogeneous multiprocessor systems, in which computational power and links between processors are allowed to change over time. Link contention is considered in the multiprocessor scheduling problem. A linear switching-state space-modeling paradigm is introduced to enable theoretical analysis from a system engineering perspective. Theoretical analysis of this model shows its robustness against changes in processing power and link failure. The proposed algorithm uses a fuzzy decision-making procedure to handle changes in the multiprocessor system. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by several random experiments and comparison against a recent benchmark approach. The results show up to 18% average improvement in makespan, especially for larger scale systems.
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Tabatabaee, H., Akbarzadeh-T, M.R. & Pariz, N. Dynamic task scheduling modeling in unstructured heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. J. Zhejiang Univ. - Sci. C 15, 423–434 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.C1300204
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.C1300204
Key words
- Dynamic task scheduling
- Fuzzy logic
- Genetic algorithms
- Unstructured environment
- Linear switching state space