Forming a hybrid intelligence system by combining Active Learning and paid crowdsourcing for semantic 3D point cloud segmentation

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While in recent years tremendous advancements have been achieved in the development of supervised Machine Learning (ML) systems such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), still the most decisive factor for their performance is the quality of labeled training data from which the system is supposed to learn. This is why we advocate focusing more on methods to obtain such data, which we expect to be more sustainable than establishing ever new classifiers in the rapidly evolving ML field. In the geospatial domain, however, the generation process of training data for ML systems is still rather neglected in research, with typically experts ending up being occupied with such tedious labeling tasks. In our design of a system for the semantic interpretation of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) point clouds, we break with this convention and completely lift labeling obligations from experts. At the same time, human annotation is restricted to only those samples that actually justify manual inspection. This is accomplished by means of a hybrid intelligence system in which the machine, represented by an ML model, is actively and iteratively working together with the human component through Active Learning (AL), which acts as pointer to exactly such most decisive samples. Instead of having an expert label these samples, we propose to outsource this task to a large group of non-specialists, the crowd. But since it is rather unlikely that enough volunteers would participate in such crowdsourcing campaigns due to the tedious nature of labeling, we argue attracting workers by monetary incentives, i.e., we employ paid crowdsourcing. Relying on respective platforms, typically we have access to a vast pool of prospective workers, guaranteeing completion of jobs promptly. Thus, crowdworkers become human processing units that behave similarly to the electronic processing units of this hybrid intelligence system performing the tasks of the machine part. With respect to the latter, we do not only evaluate whether an AL-based pipeline works for the semantic segmentation of ALS point clouds, but also shed light on the question of why it works. As crucial components of our pipeline, we test and enhance different AL sampling strategies in conjunction with both a conventional feature-driven classifier as well as a data-driven CNN classification module. In this regard, we aim to select AL points in such a manner that samples are not only informative for the machine, but also feasible to be interpreted by non-experts. These theoretical formulations are verified by various experiments in which we replace the frequently assumed but highly unrealistic error-free oracle with simulated imperfect oracles we are always confronted with when working with humans. Furthermore, we find that the need for labeled data, which is already reduced through AL to a small fraction (typically ≪1 % of Passive Learning training points), can be even further minimized when we reuse information from a given source domain for the semantic enrichment of a specific target domain, i.e., we utilize AL as means for Domain Adaptation. As for the human component of our hybrid intelligence system, the special challenge we face is monetarily motivated workers with a wide variety of educational and cultural backgrounds as well as most different mindsets regarding the quality they are willing to deliver. Consequently, we are confronted with a great quality inhomogeneity in results received. Thus, when designing respective campaigns, special attention to quality control is required to be able to automatically reject submissions of low quality and to refine accepted contributions in the sense of the Wisdom of the Crowds principle. We further explore ways to support the crowd in labeling by experimenting with different data modalities (discretized point cloud vs. continuous textured 3D mesh surface), and also aim to shift the motivation from a purely extrinsic nature (i.e., payment) to a more intrinsic one, which we intend to trigger through gamification. Eventually, by casting these different concepts into the so-called CATEGORISE framework, we constitute the aspired hybrid intelligence system and employ it for the semantic enrichment of ALS point clouds of different characteristics, enabled through learning from the (paid) crowd.






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