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Determination of Citizen Groups and Added Value for a Daily-Integrated Environmental Information Portal

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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.


Environmental and climate protection are becoming increasingly important in society. Despite the advancement of digitization in recent years, the publicly available environmental information portals (EIP) in Germany are not technically up-to-date and fall short of expectations. A thorough investigation of requirements and citizen groups is essential for the development of a novel environmental information portal. This work deals with the identification of the requirements and various citizen groups, especially the general public. Based on these findings, a concept for a tailored environmental information portal is developed. The first chapter, the introduction, addresses the motivation, the problem statement, and the research questions. Subsequently, the current state of research on environmental information and environmental information portals is examined. In the third chapter, the results of survey studies on the identification of citizen groups and their requirements are discussed. Based on this, a concept of a demand-driven environmental information portal tailored to the identified citizen groups is presented. In the concluding part, a summary and an outlook on further research areas of this work are provided.


Akyol, Ali; Dorkaev, Eugenia; Gómez, Jorge Marx (2023): Determination of Citizen Groups and Added Value for a Daily-Integrated Environmental Information Portal. EnviroInfo 2023. DOI: 10.18420/env2023-019. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 1617-5468. ISBN: 978-3-88579-736-4. pp. 205-218. Environmental Impact Assessment and Optimization. Garching, Germany. 11.-13. Oktober 2023

