Radio frequency ranging for precise indoor localization
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind Satellitennavigationssysteme zu einem unverzichtbaren Teil des modernen Lebens geworden. Viele innovative Anwendungen bieten ortsabhängige Dienste an, welche auf diesen Navigationssystemen aufbauen. Allerdings sind diese Dienste in Innenräumen nicht verfügbar. Daher werden seit einigen Jahren alternative Lokalisierungsmethoden für Innenräume aktiv erforscht und entwickelt.
Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt darauf, die Genauigkeit von Lokalisationsmethoden in Innenräumen zu erhöhen, sowie auf der effektiven Integration der entsprechenden Verfahren in drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme. Es werden zwei Ansätze vorgeschlagen und untersucht, welche die Präzision von ToF-basierten Methoden erhöhen. Zum einen wird im „Modified Equivalent Time Sampling“ (METS) Verfahren eine überabgetastete Version der vom Radioempfänger gelieferten Wellenform erzeugt und zur ToF Bestimmung verwendet. Der zweite erforschte Ansatz hat zum Ziel, Fehler auf Grund von Taktfrequenz-Abweichungen zu kompensieren. Dieses ist für kooperative Lokalisationsmethoden (N-Way ranging) von Bedeutung. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Verfahren führt zu einer erheblichen Reduzierung der Fehler in der Abstandsmessung und damit der Positionsbestimmung.
Darüber hinaus wurde eine neue Methode untersucht, um Lokalisationsverfahren in Funksysteme für die ISM Bänder bei 2,4 GHz und 5 GHz zu integrieren. Die Methode wurde auf einer Software Defined Radio (SDR) Plattform implementiert und bewertet. Es konnte eine Genauigkeit bis zu einem Meter in der Positionsbestimmung demonstriert werden. Schließlich wurde ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen und untersucht, mit welchem Lokalisationsfähigkeit in bestehende Funksysteme integriert werden kann. Die betrachtete Methode wurde in einem 60 GHz Funksystem mit hoher Datenrate implementiert. Die Untersuchungen zeigten eine Positionsgenauigkeit von 1 cm bei einer gleichzeitig hohen Datenrate für die Übertragung von Nutzdaten.
In the last couple of decades the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become a very important part of our everyday life. A huge number of applications offer location based services and navigation functions which rely on these systems. Nevertheless, the offered localization services are not available indoors and their performance is significantly affected in urban areas. Therefore, in the recent years, a large number of wireless indoor localization systems are being actively investigated and developed. The main focus of this work is on improving precision and accuracy of indoor localization systems, as well as on the implementation and integration of localization functionality in wireless data transmission systems. Two approaches for improving the localization precision and accuracy of ToF based methods are proposed. The first approach, referred to as modified equivalent time sampling (METS) is used to reconstruct an oversampled versions of the waveforms acquired at the radio receiver and used for ToF based localization. The second proposed approach is used to compensate the ranging error due to clock frequency offset in cooperative localization schemes like N-Way ranging. This approach significantly reduces the ranging and, therefore, localization errors and has much better performance compared to the existing solutions. An approach for implementation of localization system in the 2.4/5 GHz ISM band is further proposed in this work. This approach is implemented and tested on a software defined radio platform. A ranging precision of better than one meter is demonstrated. Finally, an approach for integrating localization functionality into an arbitrary wireless data transmission system is proposed. This approach is implemented in a 60 GHz wireless system. A ranging precision of one centimeter is demonstrated.
In the last couple of decades the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become a very important part of our everyday life. A huge number of applications offer location based services and navigation functions which rely on these systems. Nevertheless, the offered localization services are not available indoors and their performance is significantly affected in urban areas. Therefore, in the recent years, a large number of wireless indoor localization systems are being actively investigated and developed. The main focus of this work is on improving precision and accuracy of indoor localization systems, as well as on the implementation and integration of localization functionality in wireless data transmission systems. Two approaches for improving the localization precision and accuracy of ToF based methods are proposed. The first approach, referred to as modified equivalent time sampling (METS) is used to reconstruct an oversampled versions of the waveforms acquired at the radio receiver and used for ToF based localization. The second proposed approach is used to compensate the ranging error due to clock frequency offset in cooperative localization schemes like N-Way ranging. This approach significantly reduces the ranging and, therefore, localization errors and has much better performance compared to the existing solutions. An approach for implementation of localization system in the 2.4/5 GHz ISM band is further proposed in this work. This approach is implemented and tested on a software defined radio platform. A ranging precision of better than one meter is demonstrated. Finally, an approach for integrating localization functionality into an arbitrary wireless data transmission system is proposed. This approach is implemented in a 60 GHz wireless system. A ranging precision of one centimeter is demonstrated.
Innenraum Lokalisierung, Funk Abstandsmessung, Trilateration, Laufzeit(messung), Zweiwege Abstandsmessung, N-Wege Abstandsmessung, Positionsbestimmung, Indoor localization, RF ranging, Trilateration, Time of flight, Two way ranging, N-Way ranging, Positioning
Dewey Decimal Classification
000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke, 384 Kommunikation (Nachrichtenübermittlung), 537 Elektrizität und Elektronik
Sark, V. (2018). Radio frequency ranging for precise indoor localization.