Interactive Tools for Scientific and Medical Illustration Composition
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The Eurographics Association
The area of illustrative visualization is concerned with developing methods to enhance the depiction of scientific data based on principles founded in traditional illustration. The illustration community has century-long experience in adapting their techniques to human perceptual needs in order to generate an effective depiction which conveys the desired message. Thus, their methods can provide us with important insights into visualization problems. In this tutorial, the concepts in illustrative visualization are reviewed. An important aspect here is interaction: while traditional illustrations are commonly only presented as static images, computer-assisted visualization enables interactive exploration and manipulation of complex scientific data. Only by coupling illustrative visualization with effective interaction techniques its full potential can be exploited. The tutorial starts with a detailed description of the entire traditional medical illustration production pipeline (techniques, tools, etc.) describing limitations and specific features to be researched and developed for more advanced tools. We then proceed discussing the importance and power of abstraction and interface issues in illustrative visualization. We present different ways of achieving abstraction in interactive settings discussing flexible representations for representing artistic visual styles. Next, we introduce the importance of intuitive interaction for illustrative visualization describing sketch-based approaches as an intuitive way of manipulating and exploring volumetric datasets. In the last part of the tutorial we present techniques for deforming volumes in various ways inspired by traditional illustration techniques such as the depiction of surgical procedures. We also describe how to deform and render in an illustrative fashion using by-example approaches.
booktitle = {Eurographics 2008 - Tutorials},
editor = {Maria Roussou and Jason Leigh},
title = {{Interactive Tools for Scientific and Medical Illustration Composition}},
author = {Andrews, Bill and Bruckner, Stefan and Chen, Wei and Correa, Carlos D. and Ebert, David S. and Sousa, Mario Costa and Viola, Ivan},
year = {2008},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {},
DOI = {10.2312/egt.20081056}