In this work, smart farming based on the Internet of Things (IoT) was proposed to reduce the existing link between the information technology sector and agriculture. In agriculture, India’s largest sector, farmers spend a lot of time diagnosing crop diseases. Early detection of various plant diseases can control and prevent major damage through their spread. Moreover, awareness among farmers about the use of technology to increase crop production is low. Therefore, with IoT technology, many solutions can be provided to farmers to increase yields. An IoT-based plant pathogen formation and air quality monitoring system is proposed here, which includes temperature, humidity, air impurity, and rainfall in the environment. Air quality is determined from gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Image capture and processing techniques are used to detect disease in crops. This will benefit the farmers and give them an idea to fix the diseases. Compared to the existing approaches, our approach provides the best solution for diagnosing the disease in plants in a short period of time and at low cost. For the experiment, the tomato leaves were considered and 94.78% of the leaves were diagnosed accurately by the proposed system.

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Lordwin Cecil Prabhakar, M., Merina, R.D. & Mani, V. IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring and Plant Disease Detection for Agriculture. Aut. Control Comp. Sci. 57, 115–122 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411623020074
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411623020074