In contemporary society, individuals have elevated expectations for visual communication. Low-resolution images can negatively impact image quality and viewing experience. As a result, enhancing the visual communication of multiframe, low-resolution image sequences has become a primary focus of current research. This study optimized the visual communication effect of multiframe, low-resolution photo sequences using deep photo superresolution reconstruction technology based on low-resolution, color-guided photos. Meanwhile, the visual communication effect of multiframe low-resolution image sequences has also been improved. The experimental results indicated that from the perspective of infrared spectroscopy, multiframe video photo visual communication resources could have a harvest probability of 99% and a tracking efficiency of 96%. The reconstruction results of deep photos from various sources indicated that sparse encoding-based superresolution resources are suitable for doll images. Among different color photo superresolution algorithms, gradient-based upsampling network and adaptive separable data-specific transformation resources can better recover guided photos. Optimization algorithms can effectively enhance the visual communication of multiframe low-resolution image sequences by removing noise and improving image details while maintaining the natural style of the image and enhancing clarity. The proposed image strength enhancement method can address the issue of poor visual communication performance in multiframe low-resolution image sequences. The resources for optimizing visual connection effects in multiframe, low-resolution photo sequences can solve the problem of multiframe and low-resolution simultaneously. This approach has greater potential for development compared to a single solution. Therefore, this application holds significant reference value.

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The research is supported by 2023 Guangdong Province Digital Factory Engineering Technology Research Center open project: Research and implementation of digitizing factory multi-system whole process interconnection (project no. 2023-KJXJ027).
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Zhipeng Yu, Qiang Wan Majorization Resource for Visual Communication Effect of Multiframe Low-Resolution Photograph Sequence. Aut. Control Comp. Sci. 58, 459–471 (2024). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411624700573
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0146411624700573